Creo Tutorials > Creo Parametric Tutorials > Beginners Tutorials > Exercise 1 – Modeling a Piston > Removing Material
Removing Material
Remove material by using the Remove Material option on the Extrude tab.
1. To specify the sketch plane, in the Model Tree, select the datum plane TOP.
2. On the Model tab, click Extrude from the Shapes group. The Extrude and Sketch tabs open.
3. To display sketch dimensions, on the in-graphics toolbar of the Sketch tab, click Sketcher Display Filters, and select the Dimensions Display check box.
4. To orient the sketch plane parallel to the screen, click Sketch View on the in-graphics toolbar.
5. To sketch a circle:
a. On the Sketch tab, click Center and Point in the Sketching group.
b. To specify the center of the circle, click the pointer over the intersection of the dashed lines.
c. To specify the diameter of the circle, drag the pointer away from the center and click. It does not matter how far you drag the pointer.
d. To exit the sketch Center and Point tool, middle-click two times. The diameter dimension appears.
6. To edit the circle diameter, double-click the diameter dimension, edit the value to 75.5, and press ENTER.
7. To complete the sketch, on the Sketch tab, click OK. The Sketch tab closes.
8. On the Extrude tab, make sure that Remove Material is selected.
9. Double-click the depth dimension, edit the value to 51.5, and press ENTER.
10. On the Extrude tab, click .
11. Rotate the model to see the removed material.