Creo Simulate > Creo Simulate Results Window > Results for Native Mode > Viewing Results > Capping and Cutting Surfaces > To Create a Capping Surface
To Create a Capping Surface
Use this procedure to make a solid cut through your model.
1. Click View > New. The Results Surface Definition dialog box opens.
2. Select Capping surface from the Type list.
3. Select the method for defining the surface from the Define By drop-down list.
4. If you selected Three Points as your surface definition method, use the selector arrow to select three points.
5. If you selected UCS as your surface definition method, use the selector arrow to select the desired coordinate system.
6. For all surface definition methods except Isosurfaces, select XY, YZ, or ZX as the reference plane.
7. Select Above or Below to indicate which side of the capping surface Creo Simulate should trim.
8. Enter the depth of the cut along the axis normal to the plane. If you want Creo Simulate to calculate the value you enter as a percentage rather than an absolute value, select the % check box.
9. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Return to To Modify a Capping Surface or Examining Model Interiors for Fringe and Contour Plots.