Sheetmetal > Designing in Sheetmetal Design > Bending, Unbending, Bending Back Walls > Unbending Walls > To Unbend Walls
To Unbend Walls
1. Click Model > Unbend. The Unbend tab opens.
2. Click to automatically select all curved surfaces and edges or click to manually select individual curved surfaces and edges.
* When you toggle from automatic selection to manual selection, all available bent curve and edge references are added to the collector.
3. Accept the default fixed geometry reference for the part, or select a different reference to remain fixed during the unbend operation.
4. To flip the side of the edge to remain fixed, click Flip.
* The Flip command is available only when a nontangent edge is selected.
5. To set references for deformation control, click Deformations. The Deformations tab opens. Deformation surfaces automatically defined are displayed in the collector. Add any additional references as required.
6. To set the type of deformation control to apply, click Deformation Control. The Deformation Control tab opens. Accept the default type of control or select a different one to apply.
7. When one or more distinct pieces are detected, click Distinct Areas. The Distinct Areas tab opens. Set one or more fixed areas for each distinct area of geometry.
8. To create the relief geometry on the model, click Options > Create relief geometry.
* When you clear the Create relief geometry check box, relief is created only during a flat pattern operation.
9. Click .