To Manipulate Optimization Sets
1. Click NC Seq in the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box.
2. Click Optimize > Create or Optimize > Redefine. The SMM Optimize dialog box opens.
3. Use one or more of the following options to create and modify optimization sets:
◦ Remove Duplicated Hits—Removes duplicate punches in the tool path.
◦ Remove Duplicated Cut Lines—Removes duplicate laser cuts in the tool path.
◦ Create—Defines a new optimization set.
◦ Delete—Deletes a previously defined optimization set.
◦ Modify—Modifies an existing optimization set using the OPTIMIZE SET EDIT dialog box.
◦ Reverse—Reverses the order of a selected optimization set.
◦ Order—Reorders a selected optimization set.
◦ Adjust Path—Manually optimizes any portions of the tool path that are not automatically optimized.
▪ Remove Hits—Selects hits using the REMOVE HITS dialog box. The selected hits are removed from the tool path.
▪ Reverse NC Seq—Selects a tool path to reverse the NC sequence.
▪ CL Command—Opens the SMM CL COMMAND dialog box to adjust the tool path.