Part Modeling > Datum Features > Datum References > Defining Intent Surfaces and Chains
Defining Intent Surfaces and Chains
You can define intent chains and surfaces by selecting one or more kinds of intent objects and geometry. The following references are valid for creating these intent objects:
Intent Object
Valid Edge Reference
Valid Surface Reference
Intent chain
Quilt edge
Solid edge
Other intent chains
Intent surface
Edge chain
Quilt edge
Solid edge
Intent chain
Surface set
Quilt surface
Solid surface
Intent surface
You can define intent surfaces using one or more edges or intent chains. When you create an intent surface defined only by edges or intent chains:
Edges or chains must divide the quilt or surface into at least two regions. The selections must reside on the same surface or quilt and must not intersect.
Your selections may define multiple intent surfaces. If the automatically selected surface is not the one you intended, click Flip in the reference collector to toggle the selection.