Creo ModelCHECK > Configuring PTC Creo Modelcheck > Setting Up the Initialization File: File > Duplicate Models in PTC Creo Modelcheck > About Storing Shape Information
About Storing Shape Information
You can use the file to configure how and where Creo ModelCHECK stores shape information. Creo ModelCHECK also allows you to use the Windchill database to store the shape information for models.
If you choose not to use Windchill, the mc_dup_model.bin file is used for reading shape information. The DIR_MC_DUP_READ configuration option in the file specifies the path to the mc_dup_model.bin file.
When you exit Creo Parametric after running Creo ModelCHECK on a model, the shape indexing information is stored in the mc_dupl_<username>_yyyymmddhhmm.bin file in the path specified by the DIR_MC_DUP_WRITE configuration option in the file. Ensure that the mc_dupl_<username>_yyyymmddhhmm.bin files are regularly combined with the mc_dup_model.bin file.