Fundamentals > Creo Parametric User Interface > The View Tab > About View Operations > Shortcuts for Changing the Model View
Shortcuts for Changing the Model View
You can use the following graphics toolbar buttons to adjust the model view:
—Refits the object to the window
—Zooms in
—Zooms out
—Spins the object around the spin center
—Enters Viewing mode
—Displays the saved view list
—Reorients the view
—Switches between the Perspective and Orthographic mode.
You can also spin, pan, zoom, and turn with the mouse, by doing the following:
Spin—Hold down the middle mouse button and drag the mouse.
Pan—Hold down SHIFT, the middle mouse button, and drag the mouse.
Zoom—Hold down CTRL, the middle mouse button, and drag the mouse vertically.
Turn—Hold down CTRL, the middle mouse button, and drag the mouse horizontally.