Arithmetical and Vector Utilities
GPNT3D [structure]
(make-gpnt3d :x x
:y y
:z z)
(copy-gpnt3d gpnt3d)
(gpnt3d-p gpnt3d)
(gpnt3d_x gpnt3d)
(gpnt3d_y gpnt3d)
(gpnt3d_z gpnt3d)
- Description:
The structure used to represent the x,y,z coordinates of a 3d point or
- Slots:
- x {LONG-FLOAT [0.0]} - the x coordinate of the 3d
- y {LONG-FLOAT [0.0]} - the y coordinate of the 3d
- z {LONG-FLOAT [0.0]} - the z coordinate of the 3d

GPNT2D [structure]
(make-gpnt2d :x x :y y)
(copy-gpnt2d vec2d)
(gpnt2d-p gpnt3d)
(gpnt2d_x vec2d)
(gpnt2d_y vec2d)
- Description:
The structure used to represent the x,y coordinates of a 2d point or
- Slots:
- x {LONG-FLOAT [0.0]} - the x coordinate of the 2d
- y {LONG-FLOAT [0.0]} - the y coordinate of the 2d

SD-GPNT3D-TO-2D [function]
(sd-gpnt3d-to-2d gpnt3d)
- Description:
Converts a GPNT3D (3D point or vector) to a GPNT2D by eliminating the z
- Parameters:
- gpnt3d {GPNT3D} - the 3D point or vector
- Return value:
- gpnt2d {GPNT2D} - the gpnt2d

SD-NUM-EQUAL-P [function]
(sd-num-equal-p num1 num2 :resolution resolution)
- Description:
Checks if the two passed numbers are equal within the specified
geometric resolution.
- Parameters:
- num1 {NUMBER}
- The first number (integer of float) for the check.
- num2 {NUMBER}
- The second number (integer of float) for the check.
- :resolution {LONG-FLOAT [System-default-resolution]}
- The geometric resolution (or accuracy).
- Return value:
- t - if the absolute difference between both numbers is less
than resolution
- nil - otherwise

SD-DEG-TO-RAD [macro]
(sd-deg-to-rad angle)
- Description:
Converts an angle given in degree to an angle in radians.
- Parameters:
- angle {LONG-FLOAT} - the angle in degree
- Return value:
- angle {LONG-FLOAT} - the angle in radians

SD-RAD-TO-DEG [macro]
(sd-rad-to-deg angle)
- Description:
Converts an angle given in radians to an angle in degree.
- Parameters:
- angle {LONG-FLOAT} - the angle in radians
- Return value:
- angle {LONG-FLOAT} - the angle in degree

SD-VEC-NULL-P [function]
(sd-vec-null-p vector
:resolution resolution)
- Description:
Checks if a vector is equivalent to the null vector (0,0 or 0,0,0)
within the specified geometric resolution (or the default resolution of
1e-6). Note that the default resolution is a fixed constant, and is not
affected by the system setting for default geometric resolution.
- Parameters:
- vector {GPNT3D or GPNT2D}
- The vector to check against the null vector.
- :resolution {NUMBER [1e-6]}
- The geometric resolution (or accuracy).
- Return value:
- t - if the vector is null
- nil - if the vector is not null

SD-VEC-EQUAL-P [function]
(sd-vec-equal-p vector1 vector2
:resolution resolution)
- Description:
Checks if the difference between two vectors is equivalent to the null
vector (0,0 or 0,0,0) within the specified geometric resolution (or the
default resolution of 1e-6). Note that the default resolution is a fixed
constant, and is not affected by the system setting for default
geometric resolution.
- Parameters:
- vector1 and vector2 {GPNT3D or GPNT2D}
- The vectors to compare. If the vectors are not of the same type,
then the GPNT2D vector is treated as a GPNT3D vector with a zero value
- :resolution {NUMBER [1e-6]}
- The geometric resolution (accuracy).
- Return value:
- t - if the vectors are equal
nil - if the vectors are not equal
- See Also:
- sd-inq-default-geo-resolution
- sd-inq-part-geo-resolution

SD-VEC-COLINEAR-P [function]
(sd-vec-colinear-p vector1 vector2)
- Description:
Checks if two vectors are colinear.
- Parameters:
- vector1 and vector2 {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- The vectors to compare. If the vectors are not of the same type,
then the GPNT2D vector is treated as a GPNT3D vector with a zero value
- Return value:
- t - if the vectors are colinear
- nil - if the vectors are not colinear

SD-VEC-DIR-EQUAL-P [function]
(sd-vec-dir-equal-p vector1 vector2)
- Description:
Checks if the direction of the passed vectors is the same.
- Parameters:
- vector1 and vector2 {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- The vectors to compare. If the vectors are not of the same type,
then the GPNT2D vector is treated as a GPNT3D vector with a zero value
- Return value:
- t - if the vectors have the same direction
- nil - if the vectors have different directions

SD-VEC-ADD [function]
(sd-vec-add vector1 vector2)
- Description:
Adds two vectors.
- Parameters:
- vector1 and vector2 {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- The vectors to add. If the vectors are not of the same type, then
the GPNT2D vector is treated as a GPNT3D vector with a zero value
- Return value:
- sum {GPNT2D or GPNT3D} - The sum of vector1 and vector2

SD-VEC-SUBTRACT [function]
(sd-vec-subtract vector1 vector2)
- Description:
Subtracts vector2 from vector1.
- Parameters:
- vector1 and vector2 {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- The vectors to subtract. If the vectors are not of the same type,
then the GPNT2D vector is treated as a GPNT3D vector with a zero value
- Return value:
- difference {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- The subtraction of vector2 from vector1 (in other
words, the direction vector pointing from vector2 to vector1).

SD-VEC-SCALE [function]
(sd-vec-scale vector scalar)
- Description:
Multiplies each component of vector by scalar.
- Parameters:
- vector {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- The vector to scale.
- scalar {NUMBER}
- The scaling factor.
- Return value:
- dot product {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- The result of multiplying each component of vector by

(sd-vec-normalize vector)
- Description:
Converts vector to a unit vector (i.e. scales it such that it's
length equals 1.0).
- Parameters:
- vector {GPNT2D or GPNT3D} - must NOT be a null vector!
- The vector to normalize.
- Return value:
- normalized vector{GPNT2D or GPNT3D} - The normalized

(sd-vec-cross-product vector1 vector2)
- Description:
Calculates the cross product of vector1 and vector2.
- Parameters:
- vector1 and vector2 {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- The vectors to cross.
- Return value:
- cross product {GPNT3D} - The cross product.

(sd-vec-scalar-product vector1 vector2)
- Description:
Calculates the scalar product of vector1 and vector2.
- Parameters:
- vector1 and vector2 {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- Return value:
- scalar product {LONG-FLOAT} - The scalar product.

SD-VEC-LENGTH [function]
(sd-vec-length vector)
- Description:
Calculates the length of vector.
- Parameters:
- vector {GPNT2D or GPNT3D}
- Return value:
- length {LONG-FLOAT}

(sd-vec-angle-between vector1 vector2)
- Description:
Calculates the angle (in radians) from vector1 to vector2.
The sense of the angle is such that vector1 can be made colinear
with vector2 if rotated by angle about the axis given by
the cross product vector1 x vector2.
If both vectors are 2D vectors the resulting angle is in the range
between 0 and 2pi. In this special case there is no need to calculate
the cross product.
- Parameters:
- vector1 and vector2 {GPNT2D or GPNT3D} - neither may
be a null vector!
- Return value:
- angle {LONG-FLOAT} - the angle in radians

(sd-vec-translate vector direction length)
- Description:
Translates vector in the direction direction about
- Parameters:
- vector {GPNT3D} - the vector to translate
- direction {GPNT3D} - the translation direction
- length {LONG-FLOAT} - the amount to translate
- Return value:
- vector {GPNT3D} - the translated vector

SD-VEC-ROTATE [function]
(sd-vec-rotate vector angle :point point :direction direction)
- Description:
Rotates vector around the axis specified though :point and
:direction about angle.
- Parameters:
- vector {GPNT3D} - the vector to rotate
- angle {LONG-FLOAT} - the rotation angle in radians
- :point {GPNT3D [0,0,0]} - a point on the rotation axis
- :direction {GPNT3D} - the direction of the rotation
- Return value:
- vector {GPNT3D} - the rotated vector

SD-VEC-XFORM [function]
(sd-vec-xform vector :source-space source-space :dest-space dest-space)
- Description:
Transforms a vector specified in the source-space
coordinate system into the dest-space coordinate system.
- Parameters:
- vector {GPNT2D or GPNT3D} - the vector to transform
- :source-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM} - the source coordinate
- :global - vector is defined in the global
coordinate system
- SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element.
vector is defined in the coordinate system of the object or
part/workplane owning the element.
- :dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:global]} - the
destination coordinate system
- :global - vector will be transformed into the
global coordinate system
- SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element.
vector is transformed into the coordinate system of the
object or part/workplane owning the element.
- Return value:
- vector {GPNT3D} - the transformed vector

SD-DIR-ROTATE [function]
(sd-dir-rotate direction angle :point point :direction direction)
- Description:
Rotates direction around the axis specified though :point
and :direction about angle.
- Parameters:
- direction {GPNT3D} - the direction vector to rotate
- angle {LONG-FLOAT} - the rotation angle in radians
- :point {GPNT3D [0,0,0]} - a point on the rotation axis
- :direction {GPNT3D} - the direction of the rotation
- Return value:
- direction {GPNT3D} - the rotated direction vector

SD-DIR-XFORM [function]
(sd-dir-xform direction :source-space source-space :dest-space dest-space)
- Description:
Transforms a direction vector specified in the
source-space coordinate system into the dest-space
coordinate system.
- Parameters:
- direction {GPNT2D or GPNT3D} - the direction vector to
- :source-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM} - the source coordinate
- :global - the direction vector is defined in the
global coordinate system
- SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element.
The direction vector is defined in the coordinate system of
the object or part/workplane owning the element.
- :dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:global]} - the
destination coordinate system
- :global - the direction vector will be
transformed into the global coordinate system
- SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element.
The direction vector is transformed into the coordinate
system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
- Return value:
- direction {GPNT3D} - the transformed direction vector

SD-BOX-POINTS [function]
(sd-box-points lower-left upper-right z-dir x-dir)
- Description:
Calculate the corner points of a box given by the lower left and upper
right point and the axis directions x, y, z, where x is given by x-dir,
y by the cross product of z and x and z is given by z-dir
- Parameters:
- lower-left {GPNT3D} - the lower left point of the box
- upper-right {GPNT3D} - the upper right point of the
- z-dir {GPNT3D} - the z direction of the box
- x-dir {GPNT3D} - the x direction of the box
- Return value:
- result {LIST} - a list containing the 8 corner points of
the box as described in SD-START-BOX-FEEDBACK, so
that the result can directly be used by the feedback function
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