Relation Inquiries

SD-INQ-RSETS [function]
(sd-inq-rsets &optional :owner item)
- Description:
Returns a list of Relation Set objects.
- Parameters:
- owner {SEL_ITEM} - part or assembly where Relation Set is
attached to. If no owner is given all Relation Sets are returned.
- Return Value:
- {LIST of SEL_ITEMS} - A list of Relation Set objects.
- nil - An error occurred or none found.

- Description:
Returns the active Relation Set.
- Return Value:
- {SEL_ITEM} - Relation Set object.
- nil - An error occurred or none exists.

(sd-inq-relations rset)
- Description:
Returns all Relations of a Relation Set.
- Parameters:
rset {SEL_ITEM} - The Relation Set.
- Return Value:
- {LIST of SEL_ITEMS} - A list of Relations.
- nil - An error occurred or none found.

SD-INQ-RSET-PROPS [function]
(sd-inq-rset-props rset)
- Description:
Inquires properties of a Relation Set.
- Parameters:
rset {SEL_ITEM} - The Relation Set to inquire.
- Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs
for the requested Relation Set.
- :name {STRING} - Relation Set name.
:status {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :owner {SEL_ITEM} - the owning assembly.
:type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :minimal_owner {SEL_ITEM} - the lowest assembly to which
the Relation Set can be applied.
- Note: To extract values from the return list, use
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-inq-rset-props some-rset)
TYPE 1110050464 ELAN::ITEM
(getf (sd-inq-rset-props some-relation) :status) =

SD-INQ-RSET-NAME [function]
(sd-inq-rset-name rset)
- Description:
Returns a string containing the name of a Relation Set.
- Parameters:
rset {SEL_ITEM} - the Relation Set to inquire the name of.
- Return Value:
- name {String} - Relation Set name.
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-inq-rset-name some-rset)
=> "rset1"

(sd-inq-relation-props relation)
- Description:
- Inquire properties of a Relation.
- Parameters:
- relation {SEL_ITEM} - The Relation to inquire.
- Return Value:
- property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value
pairs for the requested properties.
- :type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :dis - Distance Relation
- :ang - Angle Relation
- :rad - Radius Relation
- :dia - Diameter Relation
- :cone_ang - Cone Angle Relation
- :chm - Chamfer Relation
- :par - Parallel Relation
- :prp - Perpendicular Relation
- :coi - Coincident Relation
- :tan - Tangent Relation
- :sym - Symmetry Relation
- :rgd - Rigid Relation
- :fxd - Fixed Relation
- :cam - Cam Relation
- :gear - Gear Relation
- :rack - Rack Relation
- :screw - Screw Relation
- :fdis - Distance Variable
- :fang - Angle Variable
- :fnum - Number Variable
- :fchk - Check Relation
- :flog - Logical Variable
- :mdis - Distance Measure
- :mang - Angle Measure
- :mlen - Length Measure
- :mrad - Radius Measure
- :mcone_ang - Cone Angle Measure
- :mchm - Chamfer Measure
- :pang - Parameter Angle
- :pdis - Parameter Distance
- :pnum - Parameter Number
- :name {STRING} - the Relation Name.
- :status {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :OK
- :objects {LIST of SEL_ITEMS} - A list of objects to which a
Relation is applied (Fixed/Rigid Relation only).
- :first_ref {SEl_ITEM} - the first reference element.
- :second_ref {SEl_ITEM} - the second reference element (a
list for Cam Relation).
- :sym_refs {LIST of SEL_ITEMS} - A list of further symmetry
reference elements
- :sym_plane {SEl_ITEM} - the user-defined symmetry
:focus1 {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
:focus2 {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :planar_ref {SEl_ITEM} - the reference plane (Angle
Relation and Angle Measure only).
- :expr-type {BOOLEAN} - t if expr is used, nil
if expr isn't used.
- :expr {STRING} - mathematical expression.
- :value-type {BOOLEAN} - t if value is used;
nil if value isn't used.
- :value {VALUE} - discrete value.
:direction {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
:normal {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
:side {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :radius1 {VALUE} - discrete value (Rack and Gear Relation
- :radius2 {VALUE} - discrete value (Gear Relation
- :flip_dir {BOOLEAN} - discrete value (Rack,Gear and Screw
Relation only).
- :fixed_axes {BOOLEAN} - discrete value (Rack and Gear
Relation only).
- :pitch {VALUE} - discrete value (Screw Relation only).
:fixed_hole {BOOLEAN} - discrete value (Screw Relation only).
Depending on the type of the relation, one of the following property
lists will be returned:
- (:type type :name name :status type
:objects list of objects)
for Fixed/Rigid Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref list of
for Cam Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :radius1
value :radius2 value :flip_dir boolean
:fixed_axes boolean)
for Gear Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :radius1
value :flip_dir boolean :fixed_axes
for Rack Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :pitch
value :flip_dir boolean :fixed_hole
for Screw Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :focus1
focus :focus2 focus :value-type boolean
:value value :expr-type boolean :expr string
:normal type :side type )
for Distance Relations.
- (:type type :name name :first_ref
object :second_ref object :focus1 type
:focus2 type :planar_ref object :value-type
boolean :value value :expr-type boolean :expr
string :direction type )
for Angle Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :minor boolean :major
boolean :value-type boolean :value value
:expr-type boolean :expr string
for Radius/Diameter Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :cfull boolean :chalf
boolean :value-type boolean :value value
:expr-type boolean :expr string )
for Cone Angle Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :focus1
type :focus2 type :normal type )
for Tangent Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :focus1
type :focus2 type :normal type )
for Coincident and Parallel Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :focus1
type :focus2 type )
for Perpendicular Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :sym_plane
object :sym_refs list of references)
for Symmetry Relations.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:value-type boolean :value value :expr-type
boolean :expr string
for Variables.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :value
value )
for Distance Measures.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :second_ref object :planar_ref
object :value value :direction type
for Angle Measures.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :value value )
for Length Measures.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :minor boolean :major
boolean :value value )
for Radius Measures.
- (:type type :name name :status type
:first_ref object :cfull boolean :chalf
boolean :value value )
for Cone Angle Measures.
Note: For relations with open references to elements or
objects, only the following property list will be returned
regardless of the type of the relation:
(:type type :name name :status :OPEN_REF
Note: To extract values from the return list, use
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-inq-relation-props some-relation)
TYPE 1109972336 ELAN::ITEM
TYPE 1109972336 ELAN::ITEM
(getf (sd-inq-relation-props some-relation) :type) => :dis

(sd-inq-relation-name relation)
- Description:
Returns a string containing the name of a Relation.
- Parameters:
relation {SEL_ITEM} - the Relation to inquire the name of.
- Return Value:
- name {String} - Relation name string.
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-inq-relation-name some-relation)
> "fix1"

(sd-inq-relation-type relation)
- Description:
Returns a keyword containing the type of a Relation.
- Parameters:
relation {SEL_ITEM} - the Relation to inquire the type of.
- Return Value:
type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :dis - Distance Relation
- :ang - Angle Relation
- :rad - Radius Relation
- :dia - Diameter Relation
- :cone_ang - Cone Angle Relation
- :chm - Chamfer Relation
- :par - Parallel Relation
- :prp - Perpendicular Relation
- :coi - Coincident Relation
- :tan - Tangent Relation
- :rgd - Rigid Relation
- :fxd - Fixed Relation
- :cam - Cam Relation
- :gear - Gear Relation
- :rack - Rack Relation
- :screw - Screw Relation
- :fdis - Distance Variable
- :fang - Angle Variable
- :fnum - Number Variable
- :mdis - Distance Measure
- :mang - Angle Measure
- :mlen - Length Measure
- :mrad - Radius Measure
- :mcone_ang - Cone Angle Measure
- :mchm - Chamfer Measure
- :param_fang - Parameter Angle
- :param_fdis - Parameter Distance
- :param_fnum - Parameter Number
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-inq-relation-type some-relation)
> ":fix"

(sd-inq-relation-activity relation)
- Description:
Returns a keyword containing the activity of a Relation.
- Parameters:
relation {SEL_ITEM} - the Relation to inquire the activity of.
- Return Value:
activity {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :active - the Relation is active
- :suspended - the Relation is suspended
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-inq-relation-activity some-relation)
> ":active"

(sd-inq-relation-open-ref relation)
- Description:
Returns t if the relation has open references.
References to objects or elements can be open when their owner is
currently not or only partially loaded.
- Parameters:
relation {SEL_ITEM} - the Relation to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - At least one of the reference elements is currently not
nil - All references are satisfied.
- Example:
(sd-inq-relation-open-ref some-relation)
> t

(sd-inq-relation-behavior rset)
- Description:
Inquire properties of a Relation Set (see also
Change Relation Settings).
- Parameters:
rset {SEL_ITEM} - the Relation Set to inquire.
- Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs
for the requested properties.
:ATTACHED_TO_CONTENTS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Relation Set is attached to
- :off - Relation Set is attached to
:C_VAR_CHECK {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Error messages are issued for check
- :off - Error messages are not issued for check
:C_KEEP_BLEND {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :redo_all_blends - Update all blends
- :redo_selected_blends - Update selected blends
- :redo_no_blends - Keep all blends
:C_KEEP_TANGENT {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Maintain smooth tangential transitions
between faces
- :off - Abandon smooth tangential transitions
between faces
:C_STICKY_EDGE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Automatically create the necessary
coincident relations for coincident edges
- :off - Don't create the coincident relations
for coincident edges
:C_STICKY_VERTEX {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Automatically create the necessary
relations for coincident vertices
- :off - Don't create the relations for
coincident vertices
:C_CHECK_FIX {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Detect and fix errors in your part while
solving relation sets
- :off - Don't handle errors in your part while
solving relation sets
- nil - An error occurred.

(sd-inq-relation-animation rset)
- Description:
Inquire properties of a Relation Set (see also
Change Relation Settings).
- Parameters:
rset {SEL_ITEM} - The Relation Set to inquire.
- Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs
for the requested properties.
- {For distance relation}
- :C_D_STEP {number} - The step increment that will be added
to the animated value relation at each solve.
- :C_D_N_STEPS {integer} - The number of times the step
increment will be added to the relation value during animation.
- :C_D_N_CYCLES {integer} - The number of times that the step
sequence will be repeated.
:C_D_FORWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play forward
- :off - Animation will not play forward
:C_D_BACKWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play backward
- :off - Animation will not play backward
:C_D_RETRACE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will retrace
- :off - Animation will not retrace
- {For angle relation}
- :C_A_STEP {number} - The step increment that will be added
to the animated value relation at each solve.
- :C_A_N_STEPS {integer} - The number of times the step
increment will be added to the relation value during animation.
- :C_A_N_CYCLES {integer} - The number of times that the step
sequence will be repeated.
:C_A_FORWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play forward
- :off - Animation will not play forward
:C_A_BACKWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play backward
- :off - Animation will not play backward
:C_A_RETRACE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will retrace
- :off - Animation will not retrace
- {For number relation}
- :C_N_STEP {number} - The step increment that will be added
to the animated value relation at each solve.
- :C_N_N_STEPS {integer} - The number of times the step
increment will be added to the relation value during animation.
- :C_N_N_CYCLES {integer} - The number of times that the step
sequence will be repeated.
:C_N_FORWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play forward
- :off - Animation will not play forward
:C_N_BACKWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play backward
- :off - Animation will not play backward
:C_N_RETRACE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will retrace
- :off - Animation will not retrace
- {For all relation}
- :on - Change a part's color in the viewport
when a clash is detected.
- :off - Don't change a part's color in the
viewport when a clash is detected.
- nil - An error occurred.

(sd-animate-relation relation
:function function
:arguments arguments
:model-update t-or-nil
:clash-check keyword
:clash-parts clash-parts)
- Description:
Animates the given relation according to the current Animation
Settings and calls function with arguments at each
animation step.
- Parameters:
- relation {SEL_ITEM} - the relation to animate.
- :function {SYMBOL} - the function to be called at each
animation step.
- :arguments {LISP forms} - any number of arguments to be
passed to function
- :model-update {t or nil [nil]}
- Determines whether the transformations calculated for the
animation are applied to the model or are just done in graphics. With
nil no model update is done. This mode can e.g. be used when
creating an animated gif sequence. With t the transformations
are applied to model and therefore inquiries like positions or clash
analysis can be done.
- :clash-check {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :none - no clash checking is done (the
- :color - clashing faces are colored
- :stop - animation stops at first clash
- :clash-parts
- {list of SEL_ITEMs} - parts/assemblies for
clash analysis
- nil - all parts/assemblies underneath
relation-set owner are analysed

- Description:
Inquire default settings for new Relation Sets (see also
Change Relation Settings).
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs
for the requested properties.
:CREATE_AT_CONTENTS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Relation Set will be attached to
- :off - Relation Set will be attached to
:D_VAR_CHECK {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Error messages are issued for check
- :off - Error messages are not issued for check
:D_KEEP_BLEND {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :redo_all_blends - Update all blends
- :redo_no_blends - Keep all blends
:D_KEEP_TANGENT {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Maintain smooth tangential transitions
between faces
- :off - Abandon smooth tangential transitions
between faces
:D_STICKY_EDGE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Automatically create the necessary
coincident relations for coincident edges
- :off - Don't create the coincident relations
for coincident edges
:D_STICKY_VERTEX {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Automatically create the necessary
relations for coincident vertices
- :off - Don't create the relations for
coincident vertices
:D_CHECK_FIX {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Detect and fix errors in your part while
solving relation sets
- :off - Don't handle errors in your part while
solving relation sets
- nil - An error occurred.

- Description:
Inquire default settings for new Relation Sets (see also
Change Relation Settings).
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs
for the requested properties.
:UPDATE_ON_EDIT {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Update option is on by default in the
create and modify relation dialogs
- :off - Update option is off by default in the
create and modify relation dialogs
:QUICKVIEW_ON_EDIT {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Displays a preview of your changes in
the viewport while you are creating or editing a relation
- :off - Don't displays a preview of your
changes in the viewport while you are creating or editing a
:SOLVING_POSITIONING {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Part movement is animated in the
viewport when the relation set is solved
- :off - Part movement is not animated in the
viewport when the relation set is solved
:SOLVING_MODELING {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Face movement is animated in the
viewport when the relation set is solved
- :off - Face movement is not animated in the
viewport when the relation set is solved
:SOLVING_SIMULTANEOUS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - All parts move simultaneously to their
destination points
- :off - All parts move independent to their
destination points.
- :on - Rotation and translation are done
- :off - Rotation is done first followed by
- :SOLVING_STEPS {integer} - The number of the steps to
complete the movement. A high number of steps produces a smoother, but
slower, movement
- nil - An error occurred.

- Description:
Inquire default settings for new Relation Sets (see also
Change Relation Settings).
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs
for the requested properties.
:LABEL_ICON {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relation icon in the label
- :off - Don't display relation icon in the
:LABEL_NAME {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relation name in the label
- :off - Don't display relation name in the
:LABEL_VALUE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relation value in the label
- :off - Don't display relation value in the
- :LABEL_SIZE {number} - Size used to display the labels
- :LABEL_FONT {string} - Font used to display the labels
:LABEL_ORIENTATION {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :view - Labels are kept parallel to the
- :world - Labels are kept fixed in space so
they rotate with the model
:SHOW_DISTANCE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
:SHOW_ANGLE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type angle
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
:SHOW_RADIUS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
:SHOW_DIAMETER {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
:SHOW_CONE_ANGLE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type cone
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
cone angle
:SHOW_CHAMFER {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
:SHOW_MEASURED_DISTANCE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type measured
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
measured distance
:SHOW_MEASURED_ANGLE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type measured
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
measured angle
:SHOW_MEASURED_RADIUS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type measured
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
measured radius
:SHOW_MEASURED_LENGTH {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type measured
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
measured length
:SHOW_MEASURED_CONE_ANGLE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type measured
cone angle
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
measured cone angle
:SHOW_MEASURED_CHAMFER {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Display relations of the type measured
- :off - Don't display relations of the type
measured chamfer
- nil - An error occurred.

- Description:
Inquire default settings for new Relation Sets (see also
Change Relation Settings).
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs
for the requested properties.
- :BASIC_LABEL_COLOR {NUMBER} :DONE - Color for basic
relation labels in viewport
relations in browser
- :SOLVED_LABEL_COLOR {NUMBER} :DONE - Color for solved
relation labels in viewport
relations in browser
- :ERROR_LABEL_COLOR {NUMBER} :DONE - Color for defective
relation labels in viewport
- :ERROR_BROWSER_COLOR {NUMBER} :DONE - Color for defective
relations in browser
- :DIM_LINE_COLOR {NUMBER} :DONE - Color for dimension line
of relation labels in browser
- :INACTIVE_COLOR {NUMBER} :DONE - Color for inactive
relations in browser
- :CLASH_COLOR {NUMBER} :DONE - Color for clashing parts in
unconstrained parts in viewport
constrained parts in viewport
- :FREEDOM_FIXED_COLOR {NUMBER} :DONE - Color for fixed parts
in viewport
- nil - An error occurred.

- Description:
Inquire default settings for new Relation Sets (see also
Change Relation Settings).
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs
for the requested properties.
- {For distance relation}
- :D_D_STEP {number} - The step increment that will be added
to the animated value relation at each solve.
- :D_D_N_STEPS {integer} - The number of times the step
increment will be added to the relation value during animation.
- :D_D_N_CYCLES {integer} - The number of times that the step
sequence will be repeated.
:D_D_FORWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play forward
- :off - Animation will not play forward
:D_D_BACKWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play backward
- :off - Animation will not play backward
:D_D_RETRACE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will retrace
- :off - Animation will not retrace
- {For angle relation}
- :D_A_STEP {number} - The step increment that will be added
to the animated value relation at each solve.
- :D_A_N_STEPS {integer} - The number of times the step
increment will be added to the relation value during animation.
- :D_A_N_CYCLES {integer} - The number of times that the step
sequence will be repeated.
:D_A_FORWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play forward
- :off - Animation will not play forward
:D_A_BACKWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play backward
- :off - Animation will not play backward
:D_A_RETRACE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will retrace
- :off - Animation will not retrace
- {For number relation}
- :D_N_STEP {number} - The step increment that will be added
to the animated value relation at each solve.
- :D_N_N_STEPS {integer} - The number of times the step
increment will be added to the relation value during animation.
- :D_N_N_CYCLES {integer} - The number of times that the step
sequence will be repeated.
:D_N_FORWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play forward
- :off - Animation will not play forward
:D_N_BACKWARDS {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will play backward
- :off - Animation will not play backward
:D_N_RETRACE {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on - Animation will retrace
- :off - Animation will not retrace
- {For all relation}
- :on - Change a part's color in the viewport
when a clash is detected.
- :off - Don't change a part's color in the
viewport when a clash is detected.
- nil - An error occurred.
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