Configuration Inquiries
- Inquiries
- Creation
- sd-create-configuration

(sd-inq-configuration-p object)
- Description:
Determines if the given object is a configuration
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - the object to inquire
- Return value:
- T - if the object is a configuration
- nil - otherwise

- Description:
Returns the active configuration
- Parameters:
- Return value:
- active configuration {SEL_ITEM} - or nil if there is no active

(sd-inq-configurations :owner owner)
- Description:
Returns all configurations defined on the given owner
- Parameters:
- :owner - keyword
owner - {SEL_ITEM} - the assembly to inquire
- Return value:
- list of sel_items {LIST} - A list containing all configurations
of the given assembly

(sd-inq-configuration-positions configuration)
- Description:
Returns all defined positioning data of the given configuration
- Parameters:
configuration - {SEL_ITEM} - the configuration to inquire the
positioning data
- Return value:
list of pairs containing {LIST} -
- object - {SEL_ITEM} - the part / assembly which is
- transformation - { TM } - the transformation defining
the position of the part / assembly or NIL if the
configuration does not contain any positioning data

(sd-inq-configuration-drawlist configuration)
- Description:
Returns all defined drawlist data of the given configuration
- Parameters:
configuration - {SEL_ITEM} - the configuration to inquire the
drawlist data
- Return value:
- list of objects {LIST of SEL_ITEMS} that will be shown when
activating the given configuration, or NIL if the configuration
does not contain any drawlist data

(sd-inq-configuration-camera configuration)
- Description:
Returns the camera data of the given configuration
- Parameters:
configuration - {SEL_ITEM} - the configuration to inquire the
camera data
- Return value:
- camera structure {CAMERA} - for further info see here. or NIL if the
configuration does not contain any camera data

(sd-inq-configuration-props configuration)
- Description:
Returns all available data of the given configuration
- Parameters:
configuration - {SEL_ITEM} - the configuration to inquire
- Return value: property-list:
- :owner owner - the owner assembly sel_item
- :mode mode - the positioning mode (either :ABSOLUTE or
- :attachment attachment - the attachment type (either :INSTANCE
- :name name - the name of the configuration
- :positions positions - see sd-inq-configuration-positions
- :drawlist drawlist - see sd-inq-configuration-drawlist
- :camera camera {CAMERA} - for further info see here.

(sd-inq-local-object-transformation object)
- Description:
Returns the local transformation of the specified object. This
transformation can be used as requested within the positions
parameter for sd-create-configuration.
- Parameters:
- object - {SEL_ITEM} - representing a part, assembly, workplane,

(sd-create-configuration :owner owner
:mode mode
:attachment attachment
:name name
:name-conflict keyword
:positions positions
:drawlist drawlist
:camera camera)
- Description:
Returns a created configuration attached to the given owner.
If :name-conflict corresponds to :delete-old the new configuration will
overwrite an already existing configuration with the given name. If
:name-conflict is set to :next-free, the new configuration will have
another unique name, if the given name already corresponds to a
configuration. If :name-conflict is set to :stop-on-name-conflict the
system doesn't create a new configuration, if the given name already
corresponds to an existing configuration.
- Parameters:
- :owner owner - {SEL_ITEM} - the assembly that should own
the configuration
- :mode mode - {:ABSOLUTE / :RELATIVE}
- :attachment :attachment - {:INSTANCE / :CONTENTS}
- :name name - {STRING} - the name of the configuration
- :name-conflict keyword - {KEYWORD} -
- :delete-old or
- :next-free or
- :stop-on-name-conflict
- :positions -
{LIST of
- {SEL_ITEM} - part / assembly
- Transformation
- :drawlist -
{LIST of
- {SEL_ITEM} - part / assembly to be shown on the drawlist
- :camera - {CAMERA} - for further info see here.
- Return value:
- configuration - {SEL_ITEM} - or
- NIL - if any error occurs
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