View Update

SD-AM-UPDATE-VIEW [function]
(sd-am-update-view method argument)
- Description:
- Updates a set of Annotation views. If a particular view has no 3d
representation it is skipped and not updated. Function has to be called
from within a dialog.
- Parameters:
method {KEYWORD} - defines the number of views to be updated
- :drawing - all views of the current Annotation drawing
:view_set - every view belonging to the specified view-set
:sheet - all views on a given sheet
:view - a single view
argument - a parameter depending on the given method
- :drawing {KEYWORD} :on or T to force all
views to be updated, no matter if it is already up to date
:view_set {SEL_ITEM or PATHNAME} a valid view-set or
pathname (e.g. "/p2/vs1")
:sheet {SEL_ITEM or STRING} a valid sheet or sheetname
(e.g. "2")
:view {SEL_ITEM or PATHNAME} a valid view or pathname of
a view (e.g. "/p2/vs1/front1")
- color - an optional and obsolete parameter - only accepted for
compatibility, but completely ignored
- Return Value:
- T - successfully updated the views
- nil - an error occured
- Example:
- (sd-am-view-update :sheet "1")
See also Standard
Annotation Events, here pre/post update events.
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