Note: This is an example file showing concepts of the Integration Kit.
The code itself is not supported and will never be supported.
(in-package :EXAMPLES)
(use-package :OLI)
(sd-defdialog 'MOVE_5
:dialog-title "Move 5"
(JJ_FACE :value-type :face
:title "Face"
:prompt-text "Identify FACE."
:check-function is-planar-face
:after-input (after-face jj_face))
(NEXT :push-action (move-it)))
'((is-planar-face (f)
(if (sd-plane-p (sd-inq-geo-props f)) :ok :error))
(after-face (f)
(and part-name feat-name)
(sd-call-cmds (remove_feature :full_name
:start_name part-name
:feature feat-name
(multiple-value-setq (part-name feat-name) (jb-sel_item-to-feature f))
(setf translation
(sd-vec-scale (sd-plane-normal (sd-inq-geo-props f)) 5)))
(move-it ()
(setf moved
(sd-call-cmds (move :nocheck :by_feature
:start_name part-name
:feature feat-name
:transformation :translate translation)
:success t))))
:start-variable 'jj_face
'(unless moved (move-it))
'(sd-call-cmds (remove_feature :full_name
:start_name part-name
:feature feat-name
:failure nil))
(defun jb-sel_item-to-feature (s)
((part-name (sd-inq-obj-pathname s))
(part (sd-pathname-to-obj part-name))
(all-feat (sd-inq-part-named-features part))
((i 1 (incf i)))
((not (member (format nil "feat~A" i) all-feat :test #'sd-string=))
(setf feat-name (format nil "feat~A" i))))
(sd-call-cmds (define_feature :selection s :name feat-name))
(values part-name feat-name)))