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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

GET_RGB_COLOR_SA subaction

GET_RGB_COLOR_SA displays the red, green, and blue values for the current light setting.


                           |                            |
                           |              |             |
                           |              +------>------+
                           |                            |
                           |              |             |
                           |              +------>------+
                           |                            |
                           |                            |
                           +----|color string|----->----+
                           |                            |
                           |                            |


The following options are available to get the RGB color of a defined viewport:

Additionally, you can enter a color string in "#...." (Motif) notation, or an rgb-color value (16 bit `magic' integer).

When to use

This subaction is used to get the red, green, and blue values for the current light setting.

As well as the options available, you can also enter:

See also

GET_LIGHT_COLOR interrupt action
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