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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

SECTION terminate action

SECTION cuts a specified part into two (or more) pieces.


                 V                                      |
 -->--(SECTION)--+--(:PARTS)-----|select parts|---------+
                 |                                      |
                 |           |                   |      |
                 |           +--(:FACES_TYPE)----+      |
                 |           |                   |      |
                 |           +--(:SURFACE_TYPE)--+      |
                 |           |                   |      |
                 |           +--(:PLANE_TYPE)----+      |
                 |                                      |
                 +--(:TOOL)--|select wp, part|--+-------+
                 |                              |       |
                 +--(:KEEP_TOOL)--+--(:YES)--+--+       |
                 |                |          |          |
                 |                +--(:NO)---+          |
                 |                                      |
                 +--(:FACES)--|select faces|------------+
                 |                                      |
                 +--(:SURFACE)--|select surface|--------+
                 |                                      |
                 +--(:PLANE)--|select plane|------------+
                 |                                      |
                                     |          |


The following options are available to section your part.

When to use

The profile on the specified workplane describes an infinite sheet, obtained by sweeping the profile along the normal of the workplane.

Use this action to slice the specified part into 2 or more pieces using the specified sheet.


The following parameter sequence sections the specified part.

SECTION :PARTS [specify part] :TYPE :TOOL [specify wp containing profile] :KEEP_TOOL :YES COMPLETE

See also

INTERSECT_3D terminate action SUBTRACT_3D terminate action STAMP terminate action PUNCH terminate action MILL terminate action BORE terminate action ON_OFF_SA subaction
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