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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

GENERAL_SWEEP_REM terminate action

GENERAL_SWEEP_REM sweeps a profile along a spine curve to remove volume from an existing part. The profile defines the cross-section of the volume to be removed. The spine defines the sweep path.


    |                                                          |
    +--(:BLANK_PART)--|specify part|---------------------------+---->
    |                                                          |
    |                                                          |
    |                                                          |
    |              |                                           |
    |              +--(:CONST)---------------------------------+
    |              |                                           |
    |              +--(:FACE_LIST)--|face(s)|--+--(:SIDE ON)---+
    |                                          |               |
    |                                          +--(:SIDE OFF)--+
    |                                                          |
    |                                                          |
                 |          |


The following options are available:

When to use

Use this action to remove swept volume from an existing part.


The following example removes swept volume from an existing part named top_shell_455. The profile is located in workplane w15. The spine is selected through a start point in 3D space. The face path is defined by the spine. The normal of the swept profile follows the spine.

:BLANK_PART "/top_shell_455" :WP "/wp15" :SPINE :START (GPNTWC -7.676015 -47.751647 5.785294 "vport1") :CONTROL :CURVE

All part and workplane names must be enclosed in double quotes (" ").

See also

GENERAL_SWEEP_ADD terminate action HELIX_ADD terminate action HELIX_REM terminate action
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