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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

EXTRUDE terminate action

EXTRUDE creates a part by extruding a profile in a workplane.


                    V                                                                  |
    -->--(EXTRUDE)--+--(PART)--|select part|-------------------------------------------+------>--
                    |                                                                  |
                    +--(WP)--|select wp|-----------------------------------------------+
                    |                                                                  |
                    +--(TYPE)--|select extrude-type|-----------------------------------+
                    |                                                                  |
                    |                                                                  |
                    +--(TO_PART)--|select face|----------------------------------------+
                    |                                                                  |
                    +--(TO_FACES)--|select face|---------------------------------------+
                    |                                                                  |
                    +--(TO_POINT)--|select point|--------------------------------------+
                    |                                                                  |
                    +--(TO_PLANE)--|select plane|--------------------------------------+
                    |                                                                  |
                    +--(DIRECTION)--|select direction|-+------------>--------------+---+
                    |                                  |                           |   |
                    |               DIRECTION=user_def.|                           |   |
                    |                                  +->--|MEASURE_DIR_SA|-------+   |
                    |                                                                  |
                    |                    |         |                                   |
                    |                    +--(NO)---+                                   |
                    |                                                                  |
                    |             |         |                                          |
                    |             +--(NO)---+                                          |
                    |                                                                  |
                                       |         |


The following options are available to extrude a part:

When to use

Use this action to create a part by extruding a profile consisting of 2D geometry.

The default extrude control box is displayed:

Part:           /p1
Workplane:      /w1

[ ] Keep Wp   [ ] Keep Prof

You must supply the information as specified in the syntax diagram.

Rules for use

You can extrude:

It is not possible to extrude a part in a direction parallel to the active workplane.


The following example extrudes a profile 20mm out of a workplane.
  1. Enter EXTRUDE to display the default control box. OneSpace Designer also displays the icon showing the default extrusion direction.
  2. Specify the part to be extruded, the current part is the default.
  3. Specify the active workplane.
  4. Enter a distance of 20.
  5. Choose to extrude To Faces.
  6. Specify a face to extrude toward.
  7. Enter COMPLETE to tell OneSpace Designer that you have finished setting up the operation.
OneSpace Designer extrudes the part according to your specifications.

See also

MEASURE_DIST_SA subaction MILL terminate action UNITE_3D terminate action SUBTRACT_3D terminate action BLEND terminate action
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