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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

EQUIDISTANCE_2D terminate action

EQUIDISTANCE_2D generates a contour at a constant distance from an existing contour.


    |                                        |
    |                      +----(:ON)---+    |
    |                      |            |    |
    |                                        |
    |                      +----(:ON)---+    |
    |                      |            |    |
    |                                        |
    |                      +----(:ON)---+    |
    |                      |            |    |
    |                                        |
    |                 +---------------<---------------+
    |                 |                               |
    +--|Start point|--+-|contour|-------------------->+
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
                      +-(:SIDE)-+-|point for side|-+->+
                      |         |                  |  |
                      |         +---(:RIGHT)-------+  |
                      |         |                  |  |
                      |         +---(:LEFT)--------+  |
                      |         |                  |  |
                      |         +---(:BOTH)--------+  +--+-->--+--(:OK)-->
                      |                               |  |     |
                      +--(:BACK)--------------------->+  v     ^
                                                         |     |
         +----------------------------<------------------+     |
         |                                                     |
                               |                               |
                               +-(:SIDE)-+-|point for side|-+->+
                                         |                  |
                                         |                  |
                                         |                  |


The following options are available to generate your contour.

In this context, a contour is a series of elements, for example lines, in a viewport, created such that the end point of one element is the beginning point of the next. There must be a closed connection from the start vertex of the first contour element, to the end vertex of the last contour element.

When to use

Use this action to create a contour, at a constant distance from the original.


The following parameter sequence creates an equidistant contour.

EQUIDISTANCE_2D :DISTANCE 25 [specify a contour] [specify which side to create the new contour]

The new element is created.

See also

POLYGON terminate action OVERDRAW_2D terminate action ON_OFF_SA subaction
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