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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

DA_PP_INQUIRE_RESULT terminate action

DA_PP_INQUIRE_RESULT inquires analysis result data at specific points on the part. The information is displayed in an output window.


+---+--+--(:DA_RESULT)-------|SELECT S_FERRUM_RESULT|-----------------------+-->
    |  |                                                                    |
    |  |--(:DATASET)---------+--(:STRESS)-----------------+-----------------+
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:STRAIN------------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:DISPLACEMENT------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:APPLIED-LOADS-----------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:REACTION-FORCE----------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:ELEMENT_FORCE-----------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:STRAIN-ENERGY-----------+                 |
    ^  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:STRAIN-ENERGY-DENSITY---+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:PX_ORDER----------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:PY_ORDER----------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:PZ_ORDER----------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:P_ERROR-----------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:TEMPERATURES------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:THERMAL_FLUX------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:THERMAL_GRADIENT--------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:ROTATION----------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:APPLIED_FLOW------------+                 |
    ^  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:TOTAL_FLOW--------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:CONVECTION--------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:FREE_CONVECTION---------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:FORCED_CONVECTION-------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:BC_REACTION-------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:RADIATION---------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:UNDEFINED---------------+                 |
    |  |                                                                    |
    |  +--(:COMPONENT)-------+--(:VON_MISES---------------+-----------------+
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:VON_MISES)--------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:MAX_SHEAR)--------------+                 |
    ^  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:MAX_PRINCIPAL)----------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:MID_PRINCIPAL)----------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:MIN_PRINCIPAL)----------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:X_COMPONENT)------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:Y_COMPONENT)------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:Z_COMPONENT)------------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:MAGNITUDE)--------------+                 |
    ^  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:ZX_COMPONENT)-----------+                 |
    |  |                     |                            |                 |
    |  |                     +--(:YZ_COMPONENT)-----------+                 |
    |  |                                                                    |
    |  +--(:REF-ELEM)--|SELECT (CREATE-GENERAL-FOCUS *sd-face-seltype*      |
    |  |                                             *sd-edge-3d-seltype*   |
    |  |                                    *sd-vertex-3d-seltype*)|--------+
    |  |                                                                    |
    |  +--(:DA_COORDINATES)---+--(:ON)---+----------------------------------+
    |                         |          |                                  |
    |                         +--(:OFF)--+                                  |
    |                                                                       |


The options specify the type of inquiry; enter the options as listed above.

When to use

Use this action when inquiring result data at a specific point.
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