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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

DA_MODIFY_FACE_DISPL terminate action

DA_MODIFY_FACE_DISPL modifies an enforced displacement on a face of a part.


*1* - The variable LBC is not visible for the user.  It is the variable
which is set when the dialog is called.  It is the LBC to be modified.

      +-----+--+--(:LBC)--------|SELECT S_FERRUM_STUDY_DATA|--(*1*)-+-->
            |  |                                                    |
            |  +--(:STUDY)------|SELECT S_FERRUM_STUDY|-------------+
            |  |                                                    |
            |  +--(:NAME)-------|string|----------------------------+
            |  |                                                    |
            |  +--(:REF_ELEM)---|face|------------------------------+
            ^  |                                                    |
            |  +--(:VALUE)------|length|----------------------------+
            |  |                                                    |
            |  +--(:COORD1)-----|length|----------------------------+
            |  |                                                    |
            |  +--(:COORD2)-----|length|----------------------------+
            |  |                                                    |
            |  +--(:COORD3)-----|length|----------------------------+
            |  |                                                    |
            |  +--(:DIRECTION)--|MEASURE_DIR_3D_SA|-----------------+
            |  |                                                    |
            |  |                      +--(:GLOBAL)--------+         |
            ^  |                      |                   |         |
            |  +--(:DA_COORD_SYSTEM)--+--(:LOCAL)---------+---------+
            |  |                      |                   |         |
            |  |                      +--(:CYLINDRICAL)---+         |
            |  |                                                    |
            |  +--(:SEL_CS)-----|SELECT S_WORKPLANE|----------------+
            |                                                       |


The following options are available to modify an enforced displacement on a face.

All input strings must be enclosed by double quotes (" ").

When to use

Use this action when modifying enforced displacements on a part in Design Integrity.


See also

DA_MODIFY_EDGE_DISPL terminate action, DA_MODIFY_VERTEX_DISPL terminate action
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