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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

DA_AUTO_MESH terminate action

DA_AUTO_MESH creates a customized finite element mesh.


+---+---+--(:STUDY)-----|SELECT S_FERRUM_STUDY|----------------------------------------+-->
    |   |                                                                              |
    |   +--(:AMG-PART)--+                                                              |
    |   |               |                                                              |
    |   |  +------------+                                                              |
    |   |  |                                                                           |
    |   |                                                                              |
    |   |                                                                              |
    |   +--(:AMG_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SIZE)-----+---|length|---+----------------------------+
    |   |                                  |              |                            |
    |   |                                  +---(:ON)------+                            |
    |   |                                  |              |                            |
    |   |                                  +---(:OFF)-----+                            |
    |   |                                                                              |
    |   +--(:AMG-ELEMENT-ORDER)-------+---(:MG-LINEAR)-----+---------------------------+
    |   |                             |                    |                           |
    ^   |                             +---(:MG-QUADRATIC---+                           |
    |   |                             |                    |                           |
    |   |                             +---(:MG-P_ELEMENTS--+                           |
    |   |                                                                              |
    |   +--(:AMG-ELEMENT-SHAPE)-------+---(:MG-ELEM-SHAPE-TETRA---+--------------------+
    |                                 |                           |                    |
    |                                 +---(:MG-ELEM-SHAPE-TRIA)---+                    |
    |                                 |                           |                    |
    |                                 +---(:MG-ELEM-SHAPE-QUAD)---+                    |
    |                                                                                  |


The following options are available to create a conditioned finite element mesh.

When to use

Use this action when conditioning a finite element mesh with Design Integrity.


See also

DA_ANALYSE terminate action, DA_CHECK_AREA terminate action, DA_CHECK_LENGTH terminate action, DA_INQUIRE_MESH terminate action, DA_PP_RESULTS terminate action
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