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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_BSPLINE_INT terminate action

AM_BSPLINE_INT creates a B-spline using a sequence of interpolation points, through which the curve will pass.


                         |                                        |
                         |                                        |
---->(AM_BSPLINE_INT)----+---|interpolation pnt|------------------+---->
                         |                                        |
                         |                                        |
                         |                                        |
                         |                                        |
                         |                                        |
                         |                |             |         |
                         |                +---|angle|---+         |
                         |                |             |         |
                         |                +---|pnt|-----+         |
                         |                |             |         |
                         |                +---(:OFF)----+         |
                         |                                        |
                         |                                        |
                         |                                        |
                                               (*)                |
                                                +--|select elem|--+

                                       (*) if elem is ambiguous


When to use

Use this action to create a freeform B-spline curve. No two directly subsequent interpolation points may be coincident.

The AM_BSPLINE_INT command automatically computes a series of control points for the curve. There is no difference between these points and user-created control points.

See also

AM_BSPLINE_CON terminate action
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