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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_CREATE_SECTION terminate action

AM_CREATE_SECTION creates a section view.


                            |                                                                             |
                            |                                                                             |
---->(AM_CREATE_SECTION)----+---(:PARENT_VIEW)----|select view|-------------------------------------------+----->
                            |                                                                             |
                            |                         |           |                                       |
                            |                         +---(:OFF)--+                                       |
                            |                                                                             |
                            |                                                                             |
                            |                     +-------------------------<------------------------+    |
                            |                     |                                                  |    |
                            |                     |                                                  |    |
                            |                     +--(:LINE-VERTI)---|pnt1|--|pnt2|------------------+    |
                            |                     |                                                  |    |
                            |                     +--(:LINE-TWOPTS)---|pnt1|--|pnt2|-----------------+    |
                            |                     |                                                  |    |
                            |                     +--(:LINE-PARTO)---|select line|--|pnt1|--|pnt2|---+    |
                            |                     |                                                  |    |
                            |                     +--(:LINE-PERPEND)---|select line|--|pnt1|--|pnt2|-+    |
                            |                     |                                                  |    |
                            |                     +--(:LINE-REMOVE)---|select line|------------------+    |
                            |                     |                                                  |    |
                            |                     +--(:POLYGONP)----+---(:ON)---+--------------------+    |
                            |                     |                 |           |                    |    |
                            |                     |                 +---(:OFF)--+                    |    |
                            |                     |                                                  |    |
                            |                     +--(:BACK)-----------------------------------------+    |
                            |                     |                                                  |    |
                            |                     +--(:ACCEPT)---------------------------------------+    |
                            |                                                                             |
                            |                                                                             |
                            |                                                                             |
                            +---(:DIR)----|view direction|------------------------------------------------+
                            |                                                                             |
                            |                                                                             |


When to use

Use this action to create a view of a sectioned part. The original view is not affected; the section view shows the part as if it had been sectioned.

See also

AM_CREATE_DETAIL terminate action, AM_VIEW_UPDATE terminate action
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