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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_PLOT terminate action

AM_PLOT plots a drawing, sheet, viewport or specified box to a selected plotter.


                  |                                                                          |
                  |                                         |
                  |                                         |
                  |                |                                      |                 |
                  |                +-----(:SHEET)-------------------------+             |
                  |                |                                      |             |
                  |                +-----(:VIEWPORT)----------------------+             |
          |                |                                      |             |
          |                +-----(:BOX)---|1st pnt|---|2nd pnt|---+             |
                  |                                         |
                  |                                         |
                  |                                         |
                  |                |                   |                         |
                  |                +---(:ALL)----------+                     |
                  |                                         |     
          |                                                                          |
                  |                |               |                                         |
                  |                +---(:FACTOR)---+                         |
                  |                                         |
                  |                                         |
                  |                                                                          |
                  |                                         |
                  |                  |                |                             |
                  |                  +---(:LEFT)------+                         |
                  |                                         |
                  |                                         |
                  +(**)---(:PAPERSIZE)----|frame type|---------------------------------------+----->
                  |                                                                          |
                  |                                         |
          |                                         |
                  |                    |                  |                                  |
                  |                    +---(:LANDSCAPE)---+                     |
          |                    |                  |                     |
          |                    +---(:USER)--------+                     |
          |                                         |         
          |                                         |
          |                                                                          |
          |                                         |
          |                                             |
          |                                             |
          |                 |                       |             |
          |                 |                                |             |
          |                 +--(:OFF)-+-|1...7|--|length|-+             |
                  |                           |                   |             |
          |                                        +-------<-----------+             |
          |                                         | 
          |                                         |
          |                                                     |               
          |                                                                          | 
                  +(**)-------(:DESTINATION)--|plot dest|------------------------------------+----->
          |                                                                          |
          |                                         |
                  |                            |            |                                |
                  |                            +---(:OFF)---+                     |
          |                                                           |

                    (*) only when :FACTOR is specified
                    (**) only for UNIX 
            (***) only when orientation type  :USER is specified
            (****) only for NT


When to use

Use this action to plot a drawing, sheet, viewport or specified box to a named plotter.
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