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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_DISTANCE terminate action

AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_DISTANCE modifies the distance between the lines of a hatch pattern in existing manual hatching.


                                  |                                     |
                                  |                                     |
---->(AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_DISTANCE)---+---(:HATCH)----|hatched area|--------+---->
                                  |                                     |
                                  |                                     |


When to use

Use this action to change the distance between the pattern lines of the hatch pattern in manually-created hatching.

See also

AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_PATTERN terminate action, AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_ANGLE terminate action, AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_COLOR terminate action, AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_LINETYPE terminate action, AM_MOD_2D_HATCH_REF_POINT terminate action, AM_MAN_HATCH terminate action
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