Removing read-only and untouchable locks and the partial load status of
Working with the Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager integration you might
run into the situation to change the Read-only, Untouchable Locks or Partial
Load status of a part.
Enter into command line
(load "unlock_obj")
Or add this line to your customization file.
Loading this file will create three new buttons in the toolbox.
Overview of Functionality
The following pictures show the usage of the tool(s).
- NOTE: The first images are old and show only two buttons
- NOTE: The 3 buttons are shown in the newer images at the end of this
- Removing Read-only and Untouchable Locks
- Removing the Partial Load status of a part
Important Note:
The tools in this module can be used to 'break' the locking mechanism used
by the Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager integration. The tools should only
be used in exceptional cases. Please think twice before you break a lock
(e.g. read-only).
Before you start using the Tools....
- For safety reasons, the functionality to remove the 'untouchable'
icon, the toolset is devided into two different parts.
- One tool can clear the read-only lock.
- The second tool can clear the 'untouchable' icon.
(The slash that goes through the icon of the part/assembly)
- Typically, untouchable parts/assembles are also read-only.
- For regular read-only parts/assemblies, a standard tool can be used to remove the read-only lock. Use: (load
- The tool 'dbdialog' will not change untouchable
- Always try the standard tools first.
- Remove the 'untouchable' icon only when you are sure that you really
need this.
- Think twice before you store data back the file system or to
For safety reasons, 'Clear RO' rejects to remove the lock when the
assembly/part is marked with the untouchable icon. Note the output in the
display box.
Remove the untouchable lock

When you really need to remove the lock, proceed as follows
- Remove the untouchable icon

- Remove the read-only lock icon
- Once the untouchable icon is removed, you can use the standard tool
from "dbdialog" to remove the read-only lock.
- Moreover, the tools from "dbdialog" allow to set and re-set the
- The "Clear RO" dialog is only provided to have the complete
functionality in a single load module.
Remove/Clear Partial Load Status
Initial Situation
- Assembly loaded from WorkManager with Partial Load
- Part has no geometry and is marked as 'read-only' and 'partial'
- Read-only indicated by the lock symbol
- Partial Load status indicated by the hollow cube icon
- Remove the read-only status
- NOTE: to see the changed icons in the browser
you need to trigger any change in the browser,
e.g. click on View -> Detail, then switch it off again.
- Remove the partial-load status
- NOTE: to see the changed icons in the browser
you need to trigger any change in the browser,
e.g. click on View -> Detail, then switch it off again.
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