Windchill Workgroup Manager Annotation Functions

(sd-uwgm-register-frame name file-name)
- Description:
- Windchill Workgroup Manager
- Registers a Windchill frame in Annotation. Once registered, users will
be able to select the frames which are stored in Windchill in Annotation
- Parameters:
- name {STRING}
- String containing the name of the frame to be displayed in
- file-name {STRING}
- String containing the file name of the Frame in Windchill.
- Return Value:
- T - Success
- nil - Failure
- Example:
(sd-uwgm-register-frame "WGM A4" "FRAME A4.mi")

(sd-uwgm-tr-register-date-attribute attribute)
- Description:
- Windchill Workgroup Manager
- Registers the attribute name used in a text reference as a date
- Parameters:
- attribute {STRING}
- Windchill attribute name.
- Return Value:
- no return value - always
- Example:
(sd-uwgm-tr-register-date-attribute "PTC_WM_CREATED_ON")
For information on the concepts of defining Text References to be date
attributes and specifying a display format for these, see here.

(sd-uwgm-tr-set-date-format format :format-always format-always)
- Description:
- Windchill Workgroup Manager
- Sets the display format for registered date text references.
- Parameters:
- format {STRING}
- Format in which date text references should be displayed.
- For the complete list of supported formats see the Creo
Elements/Direct Drafting Programming Reference Guide
- format-always {KEYWORD}
- :ON format on every text reference update
- :OFF only format upon load
- Return Value:
- no return value - always
- Example:
(sd-uwgm-tr-set-date-format "WDY DD.MM.YYYY" :format-always :on)
For information on the concepts of defining Text References to be date
attributes and specifying a display format for these, see here.
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