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MoldDesign Inquiries

All below described functions are only available after the MoldDesign module has been activated.

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SD-INQ-TAPER-GROUP-P  [function]

(sd-inq-taper-group-p taper-group)
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a taper group.

taper-group {SEL_ITEM} - the object to inquire

Return value:
t - object is a taper group
nil - object is not a taper group

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SD-INQ-TAPER-GROUP  [function]

(sd-inq-taper-group face)
Inquire the taper group the given face belongs to.

face {SEL_ITEM} - the face to inquire

Return value:
taper group {SEL_ITEM} - taper group where the face belongs to
nil - face doesn't belong to a taper group

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(sd-inq-taper-groups part)
Inquire all taper groups of a part.

part {SEL_ITEM} - the part to inquire

Return value:
taper groups {list of SEL_ITEMs} - all taper groups which belong to the part
nil - no taper group belongs to the part

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(sd-inq-taper-group-face-p face :taper-group taper-group)
Predicate to check whether a face belongs to a taper group or not. If the parameter :taper-group is omitted then the function checks whether the face belongs to any taper group. If a taper group is specified then the function checks whether the face belongs to the specified taper group.

face {SEL_ITEM} - the face to inquire
taper-group {SEL_ITEM} - the taper group to check with (optional parameter)

Return value:
taper-group is not specified:
t - the face belongs to any taper group
nil - the face doesn't belong to any taper group
taper-group is specified:
t - the face belongs to the specified taper group
nil - the face doesn't belong to the specified taper group

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(sd-inq-taper-group-name taper-group)
Inquire the name of a taper group.

taper-group {SEL_ITEM} - the taper group to inquire

Return value:
name {STRING} - the name of the taper group

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(sd-inq-taper-group-faces taper-group)
Inquire the faces belonging to the taper group.

taper-group {SEL_ITEM} - the taper group to inquire

Return value:
faces {list of SEL_ITEMs} - all faces belonging to the taper group

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(sd-inq-taper-group-geometric-values taper-group :dest-space space)
Inquire the geometric values of a taper group.

taper-group {SEL_ITEM} - the taper group to inquire
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part containing the taper group.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
sel_item - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.

Return value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the geometric values of the taper group
:point {GPNT3D} - the draft point
:direction {GPNT3D} - the draft direction
:angle {double} - the draft angle

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(sd-inq-taper-group-color taper-group)
Inquire the color of a taper group.

taper-group {SEL_ITEM} - the taper group to inquire

Return value:
color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
nil - no color is assigned to a taper group

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(sd-calculate-maximal-extension elements direction)
Calculate the maximal extension and upper and lower point of a list of given faces/edges in the specified direction.
NOTE: All elements must belong to the same part.

elements {list of SEL_ITEMs} - list of faces/edges belonging to the same part
direction {GPNT3D} - the direction given in global coordinate system to calculate the extension in

Return value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the geometric values
:extension {double} - the maximal extension
:upper {GPNT3D} - the upper point of the elements
:lower {GPNT3D} - the lower point of the elements
See also:
MEASURE_MAX_DIST [interrupt action]
MEASURE_MAX_POINT [interrupt action]

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(sd-filter-silhouette-faces faces direction)
Filter out all those faces which are not in silhouette wrt to the given direction.

faces {list of SEL_ITEMs} - list of faces to get filtered
direction {GPNT3D} - the direction given in global coordinate system

Return value:
silhouette faces {list of SEL_ITEMs} - all faces which are in silhouette wrt to the given direction
nil - no faces are in silhouette
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