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Geometric Inquiries



Generic Structures:

Specific Curve Structures:

Specific Surface Structures:

Projection Structures:

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(sd-construction-geo-p element)
Predicate to determine whether or not an element is construction geometry.
element {SEL_ITEM} - The element to inquire.
Return Value:
t - The element is construction geometry.
nil - The element is not construction geometry.

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SD-BLEND-FACE-P  [function]

(sd-blend-face-p face)
Predicate to determine whether or not a face is a blend face.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to inquire.
Return Value:
t - The face is a blend face.
nil - The face is not a blend face.

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(sd-blend-vertex-region-p face)
Predicate to determine whether or not a face is a blend vertex region.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to inquire.
Return Value:
t - The face is a blend vertex region.
nil - The face is not a blend blend vertex region.

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SD-CHAMFER-FACE-P  [function]

(sd-chamfer-face-p face)
Predicate to determine whether or not a face is a chamfer face.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to inquire.
Return Value:
t - The face is a chamfer face.
nil - The face is not a chamfer face.

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(sd-inq-bspline-edge-ctrl-pnt edge :index index :dest-space space)
Returns the coordinates of the nth control point in the control polygon of a 2D or 3D bspline edge in a designated coordinate system.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The spline edge to inquire.
:index {INTEGER} - The control point to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the edge.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
{GPNT3D} - The coordinates of the control point.
nil - An error occurred.

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(sd-inq-bspline-edge-ctrl-pnts edge :dest-space space)
Returns the coordinates of the control points in the control polygon of a 3D bspline edge in a designated coordinate system.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The spline edge to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the edge.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
( {GPNT3D} ...) - list of coordinates of the control points.
nil - An error occurred.

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(sd-inq-bspline-edge-weights edge)
Returns the weights of a rational 3D bspline edge.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The spline edge to inquire.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
( {LONG-FLOAT} ...) - list of double values of weights.
nil - if curve is nonrational.

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(sd-inq-bspline-edge-knot-vector edge)
Returns the knot vector of a 3D bspline edge.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The spline edge to inquire.
Return Value:
( {LONG-FLOAT} ...) - list of double values representing the knot vector in ascending order multiple knots are represented according to their multiplicity.
nil - if error occured

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(sd-inq-bspline-edge-interpolation-data edge 
                                        :coordinates coordinates 
                                        :tangents tangents 
                                        :curvatures curvatures 
                                        :all all 
                                        :dest-space space)
Inquires the interpolation data (coordinates, tangents and curvatures) of a 3D interpolation bspline edge. Coordinates, tangents and curvatures are returned, if inquired, in property lists of equal length, where the n-th entry of each list describes the interpolation data at the n-th interpolation point. If no tangent or curvature is defined at a certain interpolation point, then the list entry is nil.
Data is returned in a designated coordinate system.
Note: The curvature values are only defined at start and end point of open and closed non-periodic 3D bspline edges.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The 3D bspline edge to inquire.
:coordinates {BOOLEAN [t]} - Include coordinates of the interpolation points.
:tangents {BOOLEAN} - Include tangents at the interpolation points.
:curvatures {BOOLEAN} - Include curvatures at the interpolation points.
:all {BOOLEAN} - Include all of the above properties at the interpolation points.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the edge.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the requested properties.
:coordinates ( {GPNT3D} ... ) - list of coordinates of the interpolation points.
:tangents ( {GPNT3D} ... ) - list of tangents at the interpolation points.
:curvatures ( {GPNT3D} ... ) - list of curvatures at the interpolation points.
nil - An error occurred.
(sd-inq-bspline-edge-interpolation-data some-edge :all t :dest-space :global)
 => (:CURVATURES (0.0,0.0,0.0 LISP::NIL LISP::NIL 0.0,0.0,0.0)
     :TANGENTS (0.0,1.0,0.0 LISP::NIL 1.0979238889491709,-1.0201911105624524,0.061426639205491018 -1.0,0.0,0.0)
     :COORDINATES (0.0,50.0,0.0 44.953945201558,99.245277748041161,0.0 97.357535848737569,84.631614739775415,10.0 100.0,0.0,0.0))

(getf (sd-inq-bspline-edge-interpolation-data some-edge :all t :dest-space :global) :curvatures)
 => (:CURVATURES (0.0,0.0,0.0 LISP::NIL LISP::NIL 0.0,0.0,0.0))

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(sd-inq-bspline-face-ctrl-pnts face :dest-space space)
Returns the coordinates of the nth control point in the control polygon of a 3D bspline face in a designated coordinate system.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The spline face to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the face.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
( ({GPNT3D} ...) ({GPNT3D} ...)) - list of list of coordinates of the control point.
nil - An error occurred.

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(sd-inq-bspline-face-weights face)
Returns the weights of a rational 3D bspline face.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The spline face to inquire.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
( ({LONG-FLOAT} ...) ({LONG-FLOAT} ...)) - list of list of double values of weights.
nil - if curve is nonrational.

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(sd-inq-bspline-face-u-knot-vector face)
Returns the knot vector of a 3D bspline face in u parameter direction.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The spline face to inquire.
Return Value:
( {LONG-FLOAT} ...) - list of double values representing the knot vector in ascending order multiple knots are represented according to their multiplicity.
nil - if error occured

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(sd-inq-bspline-face-knot-vector face)
Returns the knot vector of a 3D bspline face in v parameter direction.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The spline face to inquire.
Return Value:
( {LONG-FLOAT} ...) - list of double values representing the knot vector in ascending order multiple knots are represented according to their multiplicity.
nil - if error occured

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SD-INQ-EDGE-GEO  [function]

(sd-inq-edge-geo edge :dest-space space)
Returns generic geometric data describing a 2D or 3D edge in a designated coordinate system.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The edge to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the edge.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
data {SD-EDGE} or {SD-BSPLINE-EDGE}- A Lisp structure. SD-BSPLINE-EDGE is returned for B-spline edges SD-EDGE for all other edges
nil - An error occurred.

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SD-EDGE  [structure]

(sd-edge-p sd-edge)
(sd-edge-s-start sd-edge)
(sd-edge-s-end sd-edge)
(sd-edge-start-pnt sd-edge)
(sd-edge-end-pnt sd-edge)
(sd-edge-ll-pnt sd-edge)
(sd-edge-ur-pnt sd-edge)
(sd-edge-closed sd-edge)
(sd-edge-periodic sd-edge)
A Lisp structure containing generic geometric data for a 2D or 3D edge.
s-start {LONG-FLOAT} - Initial parametric value on the curve describing the edge.
s-end {LONG-FLOAT} - Final parametric value on the curve describing the edge.
start-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of starting vertex.
end-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of ending vertex.
ll-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of lower-left point of bounding box.
ur-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of upper-right point of bounding box.
closed {BOOLEAN} - t if edge is closed; nil if edge is open.
periodic {BOOLEAN} - t if edge is periodic; nil if edge is non-periodic.
For unbound edges like infinite straight construction lines or for construction points the parametric values of the start and end point (s-start, s-end) and the bounding box (ll-pnt, ur-pnt) are undefined. Start and end point are not defined. The returned values are just values for any two points laying on the curve or the point itself.
See Also:
SD-INQ-EDGE-GEO [function]
SD-GPNT3D-TO-2D [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-BSPLINE-EDGE  [structure]

(sd-bspline-edge-p sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-s-start sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-s-end sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-start-pnt sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-end-pnt sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-ll-pnt sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-ur-pnt sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-closed sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-periodic sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-order sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-ctrl-pnts sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-weights sd-bspline-edge)
(sd-bspline-edge-knot-vector sd-bspline-edge)
A Lisp structure containing generic geometric data for a B-spline edge.
s-start {LONG-FLOAT} - Initial parametric value on the curve describing the edge.
s-end {LONG-FLOAT} - Final parametric value on the curve describing the edge.
start-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of starting vertex.
end-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of ending vertex.
ll-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of lower-left point of bounding box.
ur-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of upper-right point of bounding box.
closed {BOOLEAN} - t if edge is closed; nil if edge is open.
periodic {BOOLEAN} - t if edge is periodic; nil if edge is non-periodic.
order {FIXNUM} - the order of the B-spline edge.
ctrl-pnts ( {GPNT3D} ...) - the list of control points of the B-spline edge.
weights ( {LONG-FLOAT} ...) - the list of weights of the B-spline edge if it is rational.
knot-vector ( {LONG-FLOAT} ...) - the knot vector of the B-spline edge in ascending order knots with a certain multiplicity are represented according to the multiplicity.
The structure sd-bspline-edge is derived from sd-edge and therefore any access function of sd-edge can be applied to sd-bspline-edge as well
See Also:
SD-INQ-EDGE-GEO [function]
SD-GPNT3D-TO-2D [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-POINT-ON-EDGE  [structure]

(sd-point-on-edge-p sd-point-on-edge)
(sd-point-on-edge-edge sd-point-on-edge)
(sd-point-on-edge-s sd-point-on-edge)
A Lisp structure containing generic geometric data for a point on a edge.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - the edge the point lies on.
s {LONG-FLOAT} - parameter value on the curve describing the point on the edge.
See Also:

Function Index Top of Page

SD-INQ-EDGE-PNT  [function]

(sd-inq-edge-pnt edge 
                 :s s 
                 :coordinates coordinates 
                 :normal normal 
                 :tangent tangent 
                 :curvature curvature 
                 :all all 
                 :dest-space space
                 :cv-space pspace)
Inquire local geometric properties of a 2D or 3D edge at a parametrically-defined point on the edge. Data is returned in a designated coordinate system.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The edge to inquire.
:s {LONG-FLOAT} - Parametric value defining the point on the edge.
:coordinates {BOOLEAN [t]} - Include coordinates of the point.
:normal {BOOLEAN} - Include normal at the point.
:tangent {BOOLEAN} - Include tangent at the point.
:curvature {BOOLEAN} - Include curvature at the point.
:all {BOOLEAN} - Include all of the above properties at the point.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the edge.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
:cv-space {BOOLEAN[nil]} - When true the edge point may lie outside the edge domain.
Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the requested properties.
:coordinates {GPNT3D}
:normal {GPNT3D}
:tangent {GPNT3D}
:curvature {GPNT3D}
Note: A property will not be included in the return list if it is undefined at the specified point on the edge.
nil - An error occurred.
(sd-inq-edge-pnt some-edge :s 4.5678 :all t :dest-space :global)
 => (:CURVATURE 0.0,1.8729133745815927,-0.70156645537923967 
     :NORMAL -1.0000000000000002,0.0,0.0 
     :TANGENT 0.0,0.35078322768961989,0.93645668729079645 
     :COORDINATES 9.1811550000000004,32.688138625418404,21.70156645537924)

(getf (sd-inq-edge-pnt some-edge :s 4.5678 :all t :dest-space :global) :normal)
 => -1.0000000000000002,0.0,0.0

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SD-INQ-EXACT-BOX  [function]

(sd-inq-exact-box part 
                  :source-space space1
                  :dest-space space2)
Inquire the exact box of a part with respect to the directions x, y and z, where x is the given x-dir y is the cross product of z-dir and x-dir and z is the given z-dir
part {SEL_ITEM} - The part to inquire.
z-dir {GPNT3D} - the z direction of the box
x-dir {GPNT3D} - the x direction of the box
:source-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - The directions are defined in the coordinate system of the part.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part owning the element.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part owning the element.
Return Value:
list-of-points {LIST} - A list of two GPNT3D, where the first point represents the lower left corner of the box and the second element represents the upper right corner of the box.
Note: the box can be visualized by postprocessing the results via SD-BOX-POINTS and SD-START-BOX-FEEDBACK
nil - An error occurred.
(setf result
    (sd-inq-exact-box some-part 0,0,1 1,0,0 :source-space :global :dest-space :global)
    => (0.0,1.8729133745815927,-0.70156645537923967 
(setf feedback
       (sd-box-points (first result) (second result) 0,0,1 1,0,0)))

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SD-INQ-FACE-GEO  [function]

(sd-inq-face-geo face :dest-space space)
Returns generic geometric data describing a face in a designated coordinate system.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part containing the face.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
data {SD-FACE} - A Lisp structure.
nil - An error occurred.

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SD-INQ-BASE-CURVE  [function]

(sd-inq-base-curve face :dest-space space)
Returns data on the base curve of a spun bspline or a parallel swept bspline
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part containing the face.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
data {SD-BSPLINE-EDGE} - A Lisp structure.
nil - If the face is neither a parallel swept bspline nor a spun bspline.
See Also:

Function Index Top of Page

SD-FACE  [structure]

(sd-face-p sd-face)
(sd-face-u-start sd-face)
(sd-face-u-end sd-face)
(sd-face-v-start sd-face)
(sd-face-v-end sd-face)
(sd-face-ll-pnt sd-face)
(sd-face-ur-pnt sd-face)
(sd-face-u-closed sd-face)
(sd-face-u-periodic sd-face)
(sd-face-v-closed sd-face)
(sd-face-v-periodic sd-face)
A Lisp structure containing generic geometric data for a face.
u-start {LONG-FLOAT} - Initial U parameter value on the surface describing the face.
u-end {LONG-FLOAT} - Final U parameter value on the surface describing the face.
v-start {LONG-FLOAT} - Initial V parameter value on the surface describing the face.
v-end {LONG-FLOAT} - Final V parameter value on the surface describing the face.
ll-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of lower-left point of bounding box.
ur-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of upper-right point of bounding box.
u-closed {BOOLEAN} - t if face is closed in the U direction; nil if face is open in the U direction.
u-periodic {BOOLEAN} - t if face is periodic in the U direction; nil if face is non-periodic in the U direction.
v-closed {BOOLEAN} - t if face is closed in the V direction; nil if face is open in the V direction.
v-periodic {BOOLEAN} - t if face is periodic in the V direction; nil if face is non-periodic in the V direction.
See Also:
SD-INQ-FACE-GEO [function]
SD-GPNT3D-TO-2D [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-POINT-ON-FACE  [structure]

(sd-point-on-face-p sd-point-on-face)
(sd-point-on-face-face sd-point-on-face)
(sd-point-on-face-u sd-point-on-face)
(sd-point-on-face-v sd-point-on-face)
A Lisp structure containing generic geometric data for a point on a face.
face {SEL_ITEM} - the face the point lies on.
u {LONG-FLOAT} - U parameter value on the surface describing the point on the face.
v {LONG-FLOAT} - V parameter value on the surface describing the point on the face.
See Also:

Function Index Top of Page

SD-INQ-FACE-PNT  [function]

(sd-inq-face-pnt face 
                 :u u 
                 :v v 
                 :coordinates coordinates 
                 :normal normal 
                 :tangents tangents 
                 :curvatures curvatures 
                 :all all 
                 :dest-space space
                 :sf-space pspace)
Inquire local geometric properties of a face at a parametrically-defined point on the face. Data is returned in a designated coordinate system.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to inquire.
:u {LONG-FLOAT} - U parameter defining the point on the face.
:v {LONG-FLOAT} - V parameter defining the point on the face.
:coordinates {BOOLEAN [t]} - Include coordinates of the point.
:normal {BOOLEAN} - Include normal at the point.
:tangents {BOOLEAN} - Include U and V tangents at the point.
:curvatures {BOOLEAN} - Include maximal and and minimal curvatures at the point.
:all {BOOLEAN} - Include all of the above properties at the point.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the face.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
:sf-space {BOOLEAN[nil]} - When true the face point may lie outside the face domain, that is on the surface obtained by extending the face beyond its bounding edges.
Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the requested properties.
:coordinates {GPNT3D}
:normal {GPNT3D}
:u_tangent {GPNT3D}
:v_tangent {GPNT3D}
:max_curvature {GPNT3D}
:min_curvature {GPNT3D}
Note: A property will not be included in the return list if it is undefined at the specified point on the face.
nil - An error occurred.
(sd-inq-face-pnt some-face :u 44.945 :v -49.432 :all t :dest-space :global)
 => (:MIN_CURVATURE  -5.3662894370709027E-4,-0.0018989751566466638,-0.010469898627224167
     :MAX_CURVATURE  0.027821734218691843,9.6294714275534815E-4,-0.0012570653135790671
     :V_TANGENT  -5.9815412786550106E-16,-0.17918579428326767,-1.0000000000000004
     :U_TANGENT  -1.0000000000000018,-0.042707452385792655,0.0
     :NORMAL  0.042000821713842673,-0.98345416004760366,0.17622101480931363
     :COORDINATES  55.054945307755126,-10.821038787785358,49.432727804501269)

(getf (sd-inq-face-pnt some-face :u 44.945 :v -49.432 :all t :dest-space :global) :normal)
 => 0.042000821713842673,-0.98345416004760366,0.17622101480931363

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SD-GET-PNT-ON-FACE  [function]

(sd-get-pnt-on-face face :dest-space space)
Returns an inner point of the given face.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part containing the face.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
point {GPNT3D} - The face point.

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SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS  [function]

(sd-inq-geo-props element :dest-space space)
Returns specific geometric data describing a 2D or 3D element in a designated coordinate system.
element {SEL_ITEM} - The element to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the element.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
data {SD-XXX} - A specific Lisp structure describing the geometry of the element.
nil - An error occurred.

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SD-BSPLINE-CV  [structure]

(sd-bspline-cv-p sd-bspline-cv)
(sd-bspline-cv-num-ctrl-pnts sd-bspline-cv)
(sd-bspline-cv-order sd-bspline-cv)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a bspline curve.
num-ctrl-pnts {INTEGER} - The number of control points on the curve.
order {INTEGER} - The order of the B-spline curve.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-CIRCLE  [structure]

(sd-circle-p sd-circle)
(sd-circle-center sd-circle)
(sd-circle-normal sd-circle)
(sd-circle-start-dir sd-circle)
(sd-circle-radius sd-circle)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a circle.
center {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of the circle's center.
normal {GPNT3D} - Unit vector normal to the plane of the circle.
start-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the circle's start point.
radius {LONG-FLOAT} - The radius of the circle in system units.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-ELLIPSE  [structure]

(sd-ellipse-p sd-ellipse)
(sd-ellipse-center sd-ellipse)
(sd-ellipse-normal sd-ellipse)
(sd-ellipse-maj-axis-dir sd-ellipse)
(sd-ellipse-min-axis-dir sd-ellipse)
(sd-ellipse-maj-radius sd-ellipse)
(sd-ellipse-min-radius sd-ellipse)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing an ellipse.
center {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of the ellipse's center.
normal {GPNT3D} - Unit vector normal to the plane of the ellipse.
maj-axis-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the ellipse's major axis.
min-axis-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the ellipse's minor axis.
maj-radius {LONG-FLOAT} - The major radius of the ellipse in system units.
min-radius {LONG-FLOAT} - The minor radius of the ellipse in system units.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-INT-CV  [structure]

(sd-int-cv-p sd-int-cv)
An empty Lisp structure. No information is returned describing intersection curves at this time.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-LINE  [structure]

(sd-line-p sd-line)
(sd-line-pnt sd-line)
(sd-line-dir sd-line)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a line.
pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of a point on the line.
dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the line.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-POINT  [structure]

(sd-point-p sd-point)
(sd-point-pnt sd-point)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing an edge which doesn't have a curve and where start and end point are equal.
pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of the point.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-BSPLINE-SF  [structure]

(sd-bspline-sf-p sd-bspline-sf)
(sd-bspline-sf-num-ctrl-pnts sd-bspline-sf)
(sd-bspline-sf-u-order sd-bspline-sf)
(sd-bspline-sf-v-order sd-bspline-sf)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a bspline surface.
num-ctrl-pnts {INTEGER} - The number of control points on the surface.
u-order {INTEGER} - The order of the B-spline face in u parameter direction.
v-order {INTEGER} - The order of the B-spline face in v parameter direction.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-CONE  [structure]

(sd-cone-p sd-cone)
(sd-cone-apex sd-cone)
(sd-cone-axis-dir sd-cone)
(sd-cone-angle sd-cone)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a cone.
apex {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of the cone's apex.
axis-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the cone's axis.
angle {LONG-FLOAT} - The angle between the axis of the cone and its surface in system units.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-CYLINDER  [structure]

(sd-cylinder-p sd-cylinder)
(sd-cylinder-center sd-cylinder)
(sd-cylinder-axis-dir sd-cylinder)
(sd-cylinder-start-dir sd-cylinder)
(sd-cylinder-radius sd-cylinder)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a cylinder.
center {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of the cylinder's center.
axis-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the cylinder's axis.
start-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the cylinder's start point.
radius {LONG-FLOAT} - The radius of the cylinder in system units.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-PLANE  [structure]

(sd-plane-p sd-plane)
(sd-plane-origin sd-plane)
(sd-plane-normal sd-plane)
(sd-plane-u-dir sd-plane)
(sd-plane-v-dir sd-plane)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a plane.
origin {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of the plane's origin.
normal {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the plane's normal direction.
u-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the plane's U direction.
v-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the plane's V direction.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-SPHERE  [structure]

(sd-sphere-p sd-sphere)
(sd-sphere-center sd-sphere)
(sd-sphere-axis-dir sd-sphere)
(sd-sphere-start-dir sd-sphere)
(sd-sphere-radius sd-sphere)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a sphere.
center {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of the sphere's center.
axis-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the sphere's axis.
start-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the sphere's start point.
radius {LONG-FLOAT} - The radius of the sphere in system units.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-SPUN-BSPLINE  [structure]

(sd-spun-bspline-p sd-spun-bspline)
(sd-spun-bspline-axis-dir sd-spun-bspline)
(sd-spun-bspline-axis-pnt sd-spun-bspline)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a spun-bspline surface.
axis-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the spun-bspline's spin direction.
axis-pnt {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of a point on the spin axis.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-SWEPT-BSPLINE  [structure]

(sd-swept-bspline-p sd-swept-bspline)
(sd-swept-bspline-dir sd-swept-bspline)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a swept-bspline surface.
dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the swept-bspline's sweep direction.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-TORUS  [structure]

(sd-torus-p sd-torus)
(sd-torus-center sd-torus)
(sd-torus-axis-dir sd-torus)
(sd-torus-maj-dir sd-torus)
(sd-torus-min-dir sd-torus)
(sd-torus-maj-radius sd-torus)
(sd-torus-min-radius sd-torus)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a torus.
center {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of the torus's center.
axis-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the torus's axis.
maj-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector describing the torus's major direction.
min-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector describing the torus's minor direction.
maj-radius {LONG-FLOAT} - The major radius of the torus in system units.
min-radius {LONG-FLOAT} - The minor radius of the torus in system units.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-HELICAL-SF  [structure]

(sd-helical-sf-p sd-helical-sf)
(sd-helical-sf-num-ctrl-pnts sd-helical-sf)
(sd-helical-sf-u-order sd-helical-sf)
(sd-helical-sf-v-order sd-helical-sf)
(sd-helical-sf-center sd-helical-sf)
(sd-helical-sf-axis-dir sd-helical-sf)
(sd-helical-sf-pitch sd-helical-sf)
(sd-helical-sf-turns sd-helical-sf)
(sd-helical-sf-right-handed sd-helical-sf)
A Lisp structure containing specific geometric data describing a helical surface.
num-ctrl-pnts {INTEGER} - See sd-bspline-sf.
u-order {INTEGER} - See sd-bspline-sf.
v-order {INTEGER} - See sd-bspline-sf.
center {GPNT3D} - Coordinates of the helical surface's center.
axis-dir {GPNT3D} - Unit vector in the direction of the helical surface axis.
pitch {LONG-FLOAT} - Value describing the pitch of the helix.
turns {LONG-FLOAT} - Value describing the number of turns of the helix.
right-handed {LONG-FLOAT} - Flag whether the helix is right- or left-handed.
See Also:
SD-INQ-GEO-PROPS [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-INQ-VERTEX-GEO  [function]

(sd-inq-vertex-geo vertex :dest-space space)
Returns the coordinates of a 2D or 3D vertex in a designated coordinate system.
vertex {SEL_ITEM} - The vertex to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the vertex.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
coordinates {GPNT3D} - The coordinates of the vertex.
nil - An error occurred.
See Also:
SD-GPNT3D-TO-2D [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-INQ-BLEND-FACE  [function]

(sd-inq-blend-face face)
Function to inquire the type and radius (radii) of a blend face.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to inquire.
Return Value:
property list
Depending on the type of the blend, one of the following property lists will be returned:
  • (:type :const :radius value)
    for constant radius blends where value indicates the blend radius.
  • (:type :var :radius1 value1 :radius2 value2)
    for variable radius blends where value1 and value2 indicate the start and end radii (or vice-versa).

Note: To extract values from the return list, use getf.

nil - failure
(setq result (sd-inq-blend-face a-face-sel-item)) =>
  (:type :var :radius1 10 :radius2 20)

(getf result :type) => :var
(getf result :radius1) => 10

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(sd-inq-chamfer-face face)
Function to inquire the type, distance, distance-distance or distance and angle of a chamfer face.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to inquire.
Return Value:
property list
Depending on the type of the chamfer, one of the following property lists will be returned:
  • (:type :dist :distance value)
    for 45 degree chamfers where value indicates the chamfer distance.
  • (:type :dist-dist :distance1 value1 :distance2 value2)
    for distance-distance chamfers where value1 and value2 indicate the two chamfer distances.
  • (:type :dist-angle :distance distance :angle angle)
    for distance-angle chamfers where distance indicates the distance and angle the angle of the chamfer.

Note: All values are returned in internal units i.e. mm and rad. To extract values from the return list, use getf.

nil - failure
(setq result (sd-inq-chamfer-face a-face-sel-item)) =>
  (:type :dist-dist :distance1 10 :distance2 20)

(getf result :type) => :dist-dist
(getf result :distance2) => 20

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SD-PROJ-PNT-ON-EDGE  [function]

(sd-proj-pnt-on-edge edge point :source-space space :cv-space pspace)
Returns the parametric coordinates of a 3D point defined in a designated coordinate system projected onto a 2D or 3D edge or curve.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The edge to project the point onto.
point {GPNT3D} - The point to project onto the edge.
:source-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - The point is defined in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the edge.
:global - The point is defined in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. The point is defined in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
:cv-space {BOOLEAN[nil]} - When true the projection point may lie outside the edge domain.
Return Value:
projection {SD-EDGE-RELAX-PNT} - The closest projection of the point onto the edge/ curve.
nil - Projection point is not on the edge (:cv-space nil) or point cannot be projected.

Function Index Top of Page

SD-EDGE-RELAX-PNT  [structure]

(sd-edge-relax-pnt-p sd-edge-relax-pnt)
(sd-edge-relax-pnt-s sd-edge-relax-pnt)
(sd-edge-relax-pnt-dist sd-edge-relax-pnt)
A Lisp structure containing parametric data describing a point projected onto an edge.
s {LONG-FLOAT} - Parametric value of the point's projection onto the curve describing the edge.
dist {LONG-FLOAT} - Perpendicular distance from the point to the edge.
See Also:
SD-PROJ-PNT-ON-EDGE [function]

Function Index Top of Page

SD-PROJ-PNT-ON-FACE  [function]

(sd-proj-pnt-on-face face point :source-space space :sf-space pspace)
Returns the parametric coordinates of a 3D point defined in a designated coordinate system projected onto a face or surface.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to project the point onto.
point {GPNT3D} - The point to project onto the face.
:source-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - The point is defined in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the face.
:global - The point is defined in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. The point is defined in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
:sf-space {BOOLEAN[nil]} - When true the projection point may lie outside the face domain, that is on the surface obtained by extending the face beyond its bounding edges.
Return Value:
projection {SD-FACE-RELAX-PNT} - The closest projection of the point onto the face or surface.
nil - Projection point is not on the face (:sf-space nil) or point cannot be projected.

Function Index Top of Page

SD-FACE-RELAX-PNT  [structure]

(sd-face-relax-pnt-p sd-face-relax-pnt)
(sd-face-relax-pnt-u sd-face-relax-pnt)
(sd-face-relax-pnt-v sd-face-relax-pnt)
(sd-face-relax-pnt-dist sd-face-relax-pnt)
A Lisp structure containing parametric data describing a point projected onto a face.
u {LONG-FLOAT} - U parameter of the point's projection onto the surface describing the face.
v {LONG-FLOAT} - V parameter of the point's projection onto the surface describing the face.
dist {LONG-FLOAT} - Perpendicular distance from the point to the face.
See Also:
SD-PROJ-PNT-ON-FACE [function]

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-inq-edge-arclen-param edge point dist
                          :source-space space)
Inquire the parametric coordinate of a point on a 2D or 3D edge at a defined distance from a specified point. Data is returned in a designated coordinate system.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The edge to inquire.
point {GPNT3D} - The reference point on the edge from where the distance is measured.
dist{LONG-FLOAT} - The distance (arc length) from the reference point ot the desired point.
:source-space{KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - The point is defined in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the edge.
:global - The point is defined in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. The point is defined in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
s{LONG-FLOAT} - parameter coordinate of the desired point
nil - An error occurred or the length of the arc measured from the reference point, is shorter than the given dist

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(sd-inq-edge-edge-int-pts edge1 edge2 :dest-space space)
Inquire the intersection points of 2 2D edges in a workplane.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The first edge to calculate intersection points
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The second edge to calculate intersection points.
:dest-space{KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the edge.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
Return Value:
point-list {LIST} - A list containing the coordinates {GPNT3D} of the intersection points in the desired coordinate space.
nil - No Intersection or an error occurred.

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-inq-edge-convexity edge)
Inquire the convexity of an edge of a solid.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The edge of which the convexity is requested.
Return Value:
One of the following keywords
:convex - Edge is convex.
:concave - Edge is concave.
:tangent_convex - Edge is tangent_convex.
:tangent_concave - Edge is tangent_concave.
:tangent - Edge is tangent.
nil - Convexity cannot be evaluated.

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(sd-inq-draft-analysed-faces part direction angle)
Perform draft analysis for the given part with the given draft parameter direction and angle. Inquire lists of faces with positive and negative draft angle and critical faces.
part {SEL_ITEM} - The part to be analysed.
direction {GPNT3D} - The draft direction (in global coordinate system)
angle {LONG-FLOAT} - The critical draft angle (in radian)
Return Value:
List of face lists {LIST of 3 LISTs of SEL_ITEMs}
(faces with positive angle)
(critical faces)
(faces with negative angle)
(sd-inq-draft-analysed-faces a-part-sel-item  0.0,0.0,1.0  0.05235)

=>     (
         (face1-sel-item)    ;list of positive faces
         (face2-sel-item     ;list of critical faces
         (face6-sel-item)    ;list of negative faces

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-inq-draft-angle-face face direction)
Inquire the minimal and maximal draft angle of a given face regarding the specified draft direction.
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face to get the draft angle for.
direction {GPNT3D} - The draft direction (in global coordinate system)
Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for minimal and maximal draft angle.
(setq result (sd-inq-draft-angle-face a-face-sel-item 0.0,1.0,0.0)) => 
     (:MAX 0.15399383008480072 :MIN 0.01503803301602602)

(getf result :min) => 0.01503803301602602
(getf result :max) => 0.15399383008480072

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-inq-face-face-dist face1 face2 :sf-space pspace)
Inquire the minimal distance between the given faces
face1 {SEL_ITEM} - The first face for the calculation
face2 {SEL_ITEM} - The second face for the calculation
:sf-space {BOOLEAN[nil]} - When true the projection point may lie outside the face domain, that is on the surface obtained by extending the face beyond its bounding edges.
Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the distance and a point on the first and second given face
     (setq result (sd-inq-face-face-dist first-face-sel-item second-face-sel-item)) => 
     (:distance 0.456362662
      :point-on-face1 #S(sd-point-on-face
                           :face first-face-sel-item
                           :u 0.0 :v 0.0)
      :point-on-face2 #S(sd-point-on-face
                           :face second-face-sel-item
                           :u 4.0 :v 5.67)
     (getf result :distance) => 0.456362662
     (getf (sd-inq-face-pnt
     (sd-point-on-face-face (getf result :point-on-face2))
     :u (sd-point-on-face-u (getf result :point-on-face2)))
     :v (sd-point-on-face-v (getf result :point-on-face2)))
     => 0.34345,0.565789,10.499595

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-inq-face-edge-dist face edge :sf-space pspace)
Inquire the minimal distance between a face and an edge
face {SEL_ITEM} - The face for the calculation
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The edge for the calculation
:sf-space {BOOLEAN[nil]} - When true the projection point may lie outside the face domain, that is on the surface obtained by extending the face beyond its bounding edges.
Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the distance, a point on the given face and a point on the given edge
     (setq result (sd-inq-face-edge-dist a-face-sel-item an-edge-sel-item)) => 
     (:distance 2.456362662
      :point-on-edge  #S(sd-point-on-edge
                           :face an-edge-sel-item
                           :s 3.67)
      :point-on-face #S(sd-point-on-face
                           :face a-face-sel-item
                           :u 4.3 :v 5.67)
     (getf result :distance) => 2.456362662
     (getf (sd-inq-edge-pnt
     (sd-point-on-edge-edge (getf result :point-on-edge))
     :s (sd-point-on-edge-s (getf result :point-on-edge))) :coordinates)
     => 0.34345,0.565789,10.499595

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-inq-edge-edge-dist edge1 edge2 :sf-space pspace)
Inquire the minimal distance between the given edges
edge1 {SEL_ITEM} - The first edge for the calculation
edge2 {SEL_ITEM} - The second edge for the calculation
:sf-space {BOOLEAN[nil]} - When true the projection point may lie outside the edge domain, that is on the surface obtained by extending the edge beyond its bounds.
Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the distance and a point on the first and second given edge
     (setq result (sd-inq-edge-edge-dist first-edge-sel-item second-edge-sel-item)) => 
     (:distance 0.456362662
      :point-on-edge1 #S(sd-point-on-edge
                            :edge first-edge-sel-item
                           :s 0.0)
      :point-on-edge2 #S(sd-point-on-edge
                           :edge second-edge-sel-item

     (getf result :distance) => 0.456362662
     (getf (sd-inq-edge-pnt
     (sd-point-on-edge-edge (getf result :point-on-edge2))
     :s (sd-point-on-edge-s (getf result :point-on-edge2))) :coordinates)  => 0.34345,0.565789,10.499595

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-edge-to-bspline-cv edge :dest-space space :accuracy value)
Returns B-spline data approximating a 2D or 3D edge in a designated coordinate system.
edge {SEL_ITEM} - The edge to inquire.
:dest-space {KEYWORD or SEL_ITEM [:local]}
:local - Data is returned in the coordinate system of the part/workplane containing the edge.
:global - Data is returned in the global coordinate system.
SEL_ITEM - Represents either an object or an element. Data is returned in the coordinate system of the object or the part/workplane owning the element.
:accuracy {LONG-FLOAT} - the accuracy value to which the edge is approximated. If 0 is specified the resolution value of the part the edge belongs to is used and for circles and ellipses one gets an exact rational B-spline representation.
Return Value:
{SD-BSPLINE-EDGE}- A Lisp structure. SD-BSPLINE-EDGE is returned for B-spline edges SD-EDGE for all other edges
nil - An error occurred.
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