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3D Documentation - Index Inquiries

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(sd-inq-3d-annotation-index 3d-annotation)
Inquires the index of a 3D Annotation

3d-annotation {SEL_ITEM} - the 3D Annotation to inquire

Return value:
index {NUMBER} - the 3D Annotation's Index
nil - if the 3D Annotation does not own an Index
(sd-inq-3d-annotation-index some-3d-annotation)
 => 42

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(sd-inq-index-settings 3D-annotation :values values)
Returns the settings of an index of an 3D Annotation

3D-annotation {SEL_ITEM} - the 3D Annotation to inquire
values - Either
:all to get all possible return values
one specific keyword of the return list
a list of keywords of the return list

Return value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the settings
:color {NUMBER} - color of the index
:frame_type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
:off - no frame around the index
:box - box frame around the index
:balloon - balloon frame around the index
:size {NUMBER} - size of the index
:position {NUMBER} - Position number of the index (1 to 16)
nil - The 3D Annotation doesn't own an index

Note: To extract values from the return list, use getf.

(sd-inq-index-settings 3D-annotation)
=> (:COLOR 65535 
    :SIZE 3.5 
    :POSITION 2)

(getf (sd-inq-index-settings 3d-annotation) :FRAME_TYPE)
=> :BOX

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(sd-inq-index-default-settings :values values)
Returns the default settings that are used to create a new index

values - Either
:all to get all possible return values
one specific keyword of the return list
a list of keywords of the return list

Return value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the settings
:color {NUMBER} - color of the index
:frame_type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
:off - no frame around the index
:box - box frame around the index
:balloon - balloon frame around the index
:size {NUMBER} - size of the index
:position {NUMBER} - Position number of the index (1 to 16)
:start {NUMBER} - the start index that is used for the first 3D Annotation attached to a part (This default can be specified in the doc3d_customize file).
:auto_create - t if automatic index creation is enabled, otherwise nil

Note: To extract values from the return list, use getf.

=> (:COLOR 65535 
    :SIZE 3.5 
    :START 1

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Returns the index update behaviour

Return value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs for the settings
:update-on-prefix-postfix-change - t or nil
:update-on-tolerance-change - t or nil
:update-on-value-change - t or nil
 => (:update-on-prefix-postfix-change nil :update-on-tolerance-change t :update-on-value-change t)
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