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Events in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling are a method how a program gets notified about different actions going on in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. The can be seen as a alarm clock that rings on certain circumstances and the allows the programmer to trigger the appropriate action.

The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit allows the programmer to specify a Lisp function that is then automatically executed when the corresponding event is triggered.

An example could be, that a program needs to update its data structures each time the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling parts tree is changed. In this case the you would specify a Lisp function to update the data each time the event is triggered that indicates a change in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling's parts tree.

* Tutorial Example * Reference Manual


The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit provides a powerful attributes concept.

Attributes are a method to manage additional information attached to all kinds of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling items

Attributes can consist of whatever Lisp data types, e.g. text, numbers, programs. They can be attached, detached, set or inquired using the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration kit.

Attributes may have different types. Depending on the attribute type, attributes are either temporary (within the current Creo Elements/Direct Modeling session only) or can be stored in different files such as in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling files, in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling layout files (MI files) or in standard data exchange format files like e.g. STEP files (not yet available).

* Tutorial Example * Reference Manual

Feedback Elements

Feedback elements are designed to show graphical feedback in a single or all viewports independend of any Creo Elements/Direct Modeling object or element. They provide a fast method to show simplified feedback which can be used as a preview without any change to the object tree. Different functions are provided to create different shapes like pyramid, cylinder, lines or text label.

* Concept * Tutorial Example * Reference Manual

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