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Advanced Topics

Table of Contents


The next chapters contain information about more specific topics of the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit like e.g. compiling and password protection.


During the development of a Creo Elements/Direct Modeling add-on application, you will normally use the advantages of interpreted Lisp such as immediate editing and reloading.

After having finished the development, compiling the code will be the appropriate method.

Compiling allows for

Compiling Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Lisp code is a two-step process. Lisp code is compiled into C++ code, that then is compiled to machine code.

This is the reason, why a C++ compiler is required additionally to the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit when you need to compile your application's code.

Compiled code depends on Creo Elements/Direct Modeling version and on the C++ compiler version. It is compatible within one major Creo Elements/Direct Modeling version.

* Reference Manual

Licensing your code

The Integration Kit allows to password-protect applications.

This is done in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling by license modules. License modules are defined by Creo Elements/Direct Modeling or by an Integration Kit based application.

When a license module is activated it tries to obtain a license from the Creo Elements/Direct license server. If this license can be obtained, a corresponding event is triggered i.e. to activate user interface controls. The module is then active. It "keeps" the license until Creo Elements/Direct Modeling is shut down.

The Integration Kit allows to define, activate, check license modules. Typically a check for an active license module is done as a precondition for a command.

Passwords for license modules can be created using the Creo Elements/Direct Partner Password Generator CEDPPGEN (former GENCWD / CCPPGEN). For more information please contact your PTC representative or see the documentation about CEDPPGEN.

* Tutorial example * Reference Manual

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