AM_MODIM_UNIT changes the units of existing dimensioning.
| |
| |
---->(AM_MODIM_UNIT)-----------+---(:DIM_LIST)-------|select dim|-------+------>
| |
| |
| | |
| +---(:CM)--------------+
| | |
| +---(:MT)--------------+
| | |
| +---(:KM)--------------+
| | |
| +---(:INCHES)----------+
| | |
| +---(:FRACT_INCH)------+
| | |
| +---(:FT_FR_INCH)------+
| | |
| +---(:FT_FR_IN_SIGN)---+
| | |
| +---(:FT_FR_IN_TEXT)---+
| |
| |
| | |
| +---(:DEG_MIN_SEC)-----+
| | |
| +---(:RADIAN)----------+
| | |
| +---(:GRADIAN)---------+
| |
| |
| | |
| +---("OFF")------------+
| |
| |
| | |
| +---(:CM)--------------+
| | |
| +---(:MT)--------------+
| | |
| +---(:KM)--------------+
| | |
| +---(:INCHES)----------+
| | |
| +---(:FRACT_INCH)------+
| | |
| +---(:FT_FR_INCH)------+
| | |
| +---(:FT_FR_IN_SIGN)---+
| | |
| +---(:FT_FR_IN_TEXT)---+
| | |
| +---(:NONE)------------+
| |
| |
| | |
| +---(:DEG_MIN_SEC)-----+
| | |
| +---(:RADIAN)----------+
| | |
| +---(:GRADIAN)---------+
| | |
| +---(:NONE)------------+
| |
| |
| |
- :DIM_LIST specifies the dimension to modify. This can be
used with the Select tool for multiple selection of dimensions.
- :UNIT_UL specifies the new length unit for the main dimension value.
- :UNIT_UA specifies the new angle unit for the main dimension value.
- :BRACKET_U specifies whether or not the main dimension should be
enclosed in brackets (toggles with :BRACKET_L).
- :UNIT_LL specifies the new length unit for the second dimension value.
- :UNIT_LA specifies the new angle unit for the second dimension value.
- :BRACKET_L specifies whether or not the second dimension should be
enclosed in brackets (toggles with :BRACKET_U).
Use this action to change the units of existing dimension values,
and to place or remove brackets from the main and second