
(sd-start-point-feedback point :color color)
- Description:
Shows a point feedback in all viewports.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT3D} - point in global coordinate system.
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq pnt-fback (sd-start-point-feedback 0,0,0 :color 0.8,0.8,0))

(sd-start-marker-feedback point :color color)
- Description:
Shows a marker feedback in all viewports. The marker is outlined by a
white circle.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT3D} - point in global coordinate system.
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq marker-fback (sd-start-marker-feedback 0,0,0 :color 0.8,0.8,0))

(sd-start-polyline-feedback points :color color)
- Description:
Shows a polyline feedback in all viewports.
- Parameters:
- points {LIST of GPNT3D points} - points in global
coordinate system.
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq poly-fback (sd-start-polyline-feedback '(0,0,0 10,0,0 10,10,0) :color 0.8,0.8,0))

(sd-start-box-feedback points :color color)
- Description:
- Shows a 3d box feedback in all viewports.
- Parameters:
- points {LIST of 8 GPNT3D points} - points in global
coordinate system.
The 8 points have to be given in a special order. First come the 4
points of the base of the box and then the 4 points of the top of
the box. The points need to be in the same order (clockwise or anti
/| /|
/ | / |
| / | /
|/ |/
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq box-fback
'(0,0,0 10,0,0 10,10,0 0,10,0 0,0,10 10,0,10 10,10,10 0,10,10)
:color 0.8,0.8,0))

(sd-start-direction-feedback :point point :direction direction :disc disc :color color)
- Description:
Shows a direction feedback in all viewports.
- Parameters:
- :point {GPNT3D [0,0,0]} - the reference point in global
coordinate system.
- :direction {GPNT3D} - the direction.
- :disc {BOOLEAN [t]} - with or without a disc at the
reference point.
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq dir-fback (sd-start-direction-feedback :point 10,10,0
:direction 0,0,1
:disc nil
:color 1,0,0))

(sd-start-axis-feedback :point point :direction direction :disc disc :color color)
- Description:
Shows an axis (rotation) feedback in all viewports.
- Parameters:
- :point {GPNT3D} - the reference point in global coordinate
- :direction {GPNT3D} - the direction.
- :disc {BOOLEAN [t]}
- With or without a filled disc to indicate the direction of
rotation about the axis.
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq axis-fback (sd-start-axis-feedback :point 0,0,0
:direction 0,1,0))

(sd-start-rubberline-feedback point)
- Description:
Shows a rubberline feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - start point on current workplane.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq line-fback (sd-start-rubberline-feedback 0,0))

(sd-start-rubberline-horizontal-feedback point)
- Description:
Shows a horizontal rubberline feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - start point on current workplane.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq line-fback (sd-start-rubberline-horizontal-feedback 0,0))

(sd-start-rubberline-vertical-feedback point)
- Description:
Shows a vertical rubberline feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - start point on current workplane.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq line-fback (sd-start-rubberline-vertical-feedback 0,0))

(sd-start-rubberline-angle-feedback point angle )
- Description:
Shows a rubberline feedback at a specific angle in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - start point on current workplane.
- angle {LONG-FLOAT} - angle with respect to the u-axis of
the current workplane.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq line-fback (sd-start-rubberline-angle-feedback 0,0 (/ PI 4)))

(sd-start-rubberbox-feedback point)
- Description:
Shows a rubberbox feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - start point on current workplane.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq box-fback (sd-start-rubberbox-feedback 0,0))

(sd-start-rubberinfline-feedback point)
- Description:
Shows a infinite rubberline feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - point on current workplane where the
infinite line pass through.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq infline-fback (sd-start-rubberinfline-feedback 0,0))

- Description:
Shows a horizontal infinite rubberline feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq infline-fback (sd-start-rubberinfline-horizontal-feedback))

- Description:
Shows a infinite vertical rubberline feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq infline-fback (sd-start-rubberinfline-vertical-feedback))

(sd-start-rubberinfline-angle-feedback angle )
- Description:
Shows a infinite rubberline feedback at a specific angle in all
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- angle {LONG-FLOAT} - angle with respect to the u-axis of
the current workplane.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq infline-fback (sd-start-rubberinfline-angle-feedback (/ PI 4)))

(sd-start-circle-cen-rad-feedback :point point :direction direction :radius radius :color color)
- Description:
Shows a 3d circle feedback in all viewports.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT3D} - the center in global coordinate
- direction {GPNT3D} - the axis of the circle feedback.
- radius {LONG-FLOAT} - radius of circle feedback in
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq circle-fback (sd-start-circle-cen-rad-feedback :point 50,50,0
:direction 0,0,1
:radius 10.0
:color 0.8,0.8,0))

(sd-start-circle-rad-feedback radius)
- Description:
Shows a circle feedback with fixed radius at the cursor in all
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- radius {LONG-FLOAT} - radius of circle feedback in
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq circle-fback (sd-start-circle-rad-feedback 10.0))

(sd-start-rubbercircle-cen-feedback point)
- Description:
Shows a rubbercircle feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - center point on current workplane.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq circle-fback (sd-start-rubbercircle-cen-feedback 0,0))

(sd-start-rubbercircle-dia-feedback point)
- Description:
Shows a rubbercircle feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - diameter point on current workplane where
the circle pass through.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq circle-fback (sd-start-rubbercircle-dia-feedback 0,0))

(sd-start-rubbercircle-2-pts-feedback point point)
- Description:
Shows a rubbercircle feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - first diameter point on current workplane
where the circle pass through.
- point {GPNT2D} - second diameter point on current workplane
where the circle pass through.
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq circle-fback (sd-start-rubbercircle-2-pts-feedback 0,0 40,40))

(sd-start-rubberarc-dia-feedback point :clockwise clockwise)
- Description:
Shows a rubberarc feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - point on current workplane where the arc
path through.
- :clockwise {BOOLEAN [nil]} - clockwise or
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq arc-fback (sd-start-rubberarc-dia-feedback 0,0 :clockwise t))

(sd-start-rubberarc-cen-beg-feedback point point :clockwise clockwise)
- Description:
Shows a rubberarc feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - center point on current workplane.
- point {GPNT2D} - start point on current workplane.
- :clockwise {BOOLEAN [nil]} - clockwise or
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq arc-fback (sd-start-rubberarc-cen-beg-feedback 0,0 4,4))

(sd-start-rubberarc-beg-end-feedback point point :clockwise clockwise)
- Description:
Shows a rubberarc feedback in all viewports.
Note: A call to this function is only possible if a current
workplane exists.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT2D} - start point on current workplane.
- point {GPNT2D} - end point on current workplane.
- :clockwise {BOOLEAN [nil]} - clockwise or
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq arc-fback (sd-start-rubberarc-beg-end-feedback 0,0 40,0))

(sd-start-rubberline-3d-feedback point)
- Description:
Shows a 3D rubberline feedback in all viewports.
- Parameters:
- point {GPNT3D} - start point in global coordinate
- Return Value:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj} - the feedback handle
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq 3d-line-fback (sd-start-rubberline-3d-feedback 0,0,0))

SD-END-FEEDBACK [function]
(sd-end-feedback feedback)
- Description:
Removes a feedback from all viewports.
- Parameters:
- feedback {FEEDBACK obj}
- The feedback handle which was returned from a start feedback
- Return Value:
- t - success
- nil - failure
- Example:
(setq any-feedback-fback (sd-start-any-feedback-feedback 0,0))
(sd-end-feedback any-feedback-fback)
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