3D Documentation - Group Inquiries

SD-DOCU-GROUP-P [function]
(sd-docu-group-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a group
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - the object to inquire
- Return value:
- t - object is a group
- nil - object is not a group

SD-INQ-GROUP-TYPE [function]
(sd-inq-group-type group)
- Description:
Returns a keyword containing the type of a group.
- Parameters:
group {SEL_ITEM} - the group to inquire
- Return value:
type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :general - General fixed Group
- :exclusive - Exclusive fixed Group
- :variable - Variable Group
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-inq-group-type group)
=> ":general"

(sd-inq-group-parents group)
- Description:
Returns the parent group(s) of a group
- Parameters:
group {SEL_ITEM} - the group to inquire
- Return value:
- parents-list {LIST of SEL_ITEMS} - A list containing all
parent group SEL_ITEMS
nil - Group doesn't have a parent group

(sd-inq-group-children group)
- Description:
Returns the children group(s) of a group
- Parameters:
group {SEL_ITEM} - the group to inquire
- Return value:
- children-list {LIST of SEL_ITEMS} - A list containing all
children group SEL_ITEMS
nil - Group doesn't have a child group

(sd-inq-group-props group :values values)
- Description:
Returns the group properties
- Parameters:
- group {SEL_ITEM} - the docuplane to inquire
values - Either
- :all to get all possible return values
- one specific keyword of the return list
- a list of keywords of the return list
- Return value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value pairs
for the settings
- :name {String} - the name of the group
- :description {String} - the description of the group
type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :general - General fixed Group
- :exclusive - Exclusive fixed Group
- :variable - Variable Group
nil - An error occurred.
- Note: To extract values from the return list, use
- Example:
(sd-inq-group-props group)
=> (:NAME "FixGrp1"
:DESCRIPTION "Measurement Group A"
:TYPE :general)
(getf (sd-inq-group-props docuplane) :NAME)
=> "FixGrp1"

(sd-inq-group-variable-condition variable_group)
- Description:
Returns the condition and the parameter of a variable group
- Parameters:
variable_group {SEL_ITEM} - the group to inquire
- Return value
list {LIST of two items} - 1. the condition 2. The
The return value is one of the following:
- (list :nominal_value (:max number :min
- (list :tolerance (list :MAX_UPP number
MIN_UPP number :MAX_LOW number :MIN_LOW
- (list :fixtext (list :PRE string :POST
string :SUPER string SUB
- (list :text_find (list :pattern
- (list :all_free)
- (list :docuplane docuplane_sel_item)
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-inq-group-variable-condition docuplane)
=> (:nominal_value (:max 55 :min 33))

(sd-inq-group-annotations group)
- Description:
Returns all 3D Annotations to the specified group.
- Parameters:
group {SEL_ITEM} - the group to inquire
- Return value:
- {LIST of 3D Annotation SEL_ITEMS} - 3D Annotations of the
- nil - if the group has no 3D Annotations
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