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3D Documentation Events

The following constants identify standard Creo Elements/Direct Modeling events which are available for use. These constants can be used as parameters for the event functions.

Show Docuplane Events

Processed within the SHOW DOCUPLANE command immediatly after the docuplane is selected (before any other things are done)
Following KEYWORD/VALUE pairs are passed to the function called by the event:
:DOCUPLANE - {SEL_ITEM} - the docuplane that is currently shown
:VIEWPORT - {STRING} - the name of the viewport where the SHOW command is performed
:SECTION - {STRING} - t if the CROSS SECTION mode is used, nilotherwise
:ORIGIN - {GPNT3D} - the position of the origin of the docuplane that is currently shown
:SCALE - {NUMBER} - the scale value of the docuplane that is currently shown

Processed within the SHOW DOCUPLANE command after the docuplane is selected and after the SHOW action is done.
This event uses the same KEYWORD/VALUE pairs as described above.

Processed within the SHOW DOCUPLANE command after clicking OK. This event uses the same KEYWORD/VALUE pairs as described above.


  (sd-unsubscribe-event doc3d::*DOC3D-PRE-SHOW-DOCUPLANE-EVENT*

  (defun change-viewport-name (&rest arg-list)
    (let ((viewport-name (getf arg-list :viewport))
          (docuplane     (getf arg-list :docuplane))
          (section       (getf arg-list :section))
          (scale         (getf arg-list :scale))

        (format nil "SHOW of Docuplane '~A'~A~A." 
          (sd-inq-docuplane-props docuplane :values :name)
          (if (= scale 1.0)
            (format nil " (Scale ~A)" scale)
          (if section
            " (sectioned)"

  (sd-subscribe-event doc3d::*DOC3D-PRE-SHOW-DOCUPLANE-EVENT*

  ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  (sd-unsubscribe-event doc3d::*DOC3D-END-SHOW-DOCUPLANE-EVENT*

  (defun reset-viewport-name (&rest arg-list)
    (let ((viewport-name (getf arg-list :viewport)))
      (sd-vp-remove-title-postfix viewport-name)
  (sd-subscribe-event doc3d::*DOC3D-END-SHOW-DOCUPLANE-EVENT*
  ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  (sd-unsubscribe-event doc3d::*DOC3D-POST-SHOW-DOCUPLANE-EVENT*

  (defun show-docuplane-info (&rest arg-list)
    (let ((viewport-name (getf arg-list :viewport))
          (docuplane     (getf arg-list :docuplane))
          (section       (getf arg-list :section))
          (scale         (getf arg-list :scale))
          (origin        (getf arg-list :origin))
      (display "Additional information:")
      (display (format nil "Docuplane: '~A'" (sd-inq-docuplane-props docuplane :values :name)))
      (display (format nil "Section: ~A" (if section "Yes" "No")))
      (display (format nil "Origin: ~A"  origin))
      (display (format nil "Scale: ~A"   scale))

  (sd-subscribe-event doc3d::*DOC3D-POST-SHOW-DOCUPLANE-EVENT*
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