
XML Interface

Note: This is an example file showing concepts of the Integration Kit. The code itself is not supported and will never be supported.
(in-package :example)
(use-package :oli)

;;         creating a document

(defun ikit-xml-example-create-document ()
  (let ((filename "d:/temp/my.xml")
        root child grandchild1 grandchild2 grandchild3

    (display "Building XML document")
    (setf xml-document (sd-xml-create-document))

    ;; attach root
    (setf root (sd-xml-create-element xml-document "root"))
    (sd-xml-document-set-root xml-document root)

    ;; create a child under root
    (setf child (sd-xml-create-element xml-document "child"))
    (sd-xml-element-add-child root child)

    ;; create grandchildren
    (setf grandchild1 (sd-xml-create-element xml-document "grandchild1"))
    (sd-xml-element-add-child child grandchild1)
    ;; set attribute
    (sd-xml-element-set-attribute grandchild1 "key1" "value1")
    (sd-xml-element-set-attribute grandchild1 "key2" "value2")
    (setf grandchild2 (sd-xml-create-element xml-document "grandchild2"))
    (sd-xml-element-add-child child grandchild2)
    (sd-xml-element-set-attribute grandchild2 "id" "grandchild2 - first")
    (setf grandchild2 (sd-xml-create-element xml-document "grandchild2"))
    (sd-xml-element-add-child child grandchild2)
    (sd-xml-element-set-attribute grandchild2 "id" "grandchild2 - second")
    (sd-xml-element-set-attribute grandchild2 "key3" "value3")
    (setf grandchild3 (sd-xml-create-element xml-document "grandchild3"))
    (sd-xml-element-set-text grandchild3 "Text content for grandchild3 element")
    (sd-xml-element-add-child child grandchild3)

    (display (format nil "Created document : ~%~A" (sd-xml-serialize xml-document)))
    (display "--------------------------------------------")
    (display (format nil "Writing XML file ~A" filename))
    (sd-xml-write-file xml-document filename :pretty-print nil)


;;         reading a document

(defun ikit-xml-example-display-attributes (element)
  (let (
        (name       (sd-xml-element-get-name       element) )
        (attributes (sd-xml-element-get-attributes element) )
        (children   (sd-xml-element-get-children   element) )
    (when attributes
      (display (format nil "Attributes for ~A :" name))
      (dolist (attribute attributes)
        (display (format nil " ~A = ~A" attribute (sd-xml-element-get-attribute element attribute)))
    (dolist (child children)
      (ikit-xml-example-display-attributes child)

(defun ikit-xml-example-read-document ()
  (let ((filename "d:/temp/my.xml")
        (filename2 "d:/temp/my2.xml")
    (display (format nil "~%--------------------------------------------"))
    (display (format nil "Reading XML file ~A" filename))
    (setf xml-document (sd-xml-read-file filename))

    (display "--------------------------------------------")
    (display "Reading the text content of an element")
    (setf grandchild (sd-xml-document-select-element xml-document "/root/child/grandchild3"))
    (display (format nil "Text content of 'grandchild3' :~% ~A"  (sd-xml-element-get-text grandchild)))

    (display (format nil "~%--------------------------------------------"))
    (display "Parsing the document and displaying all attributes")

    (ikit-xml-example-display-attributes (sd-xml-document-get-root xml-document))

    (display (format nil "~%--------------------------------------------"))
    (display "Reading an attribute")
    (setf grandchild (sd-xml-document-select-element xml-document "/root/child/grandchild2[@id='grandchild2 - second']"))
    (display (format nil " Value of 'key3' attribute of 'grandchild2' : ~A"  (sd-xml-element-get-attribute grandchild "key3")))
    (setf grandchild (sd-xml-document-select-element xml-document "/root/child/grandchild1"))
    (display (format nil " Value of 'key1' attribute of 'grandchild1' : ~A"  (sd-xml-element-get-attribute grandchild "key1")))

    (display (format nil "~%--------------------------------------------"))
    (display "Modifying an attribute")
    (sd-xml-element-set-attribute grandchild "key1" "value_modified")
    (display (format nil "Modified document - now it's :~%~A" (sd-xml-serialize xml-document)))

    ;; write
    (display (format nil "--------------------------------------------"))
    (display (format nil "Writing XML file ~A" filename2))
    (sd-xml-write-file xml-document filename2)

    (sd-display-url filename2)

