
Dialog Generator - Examples

Note: This is an example file showing concepts of the Integration Kit. The code itself is not supported and will never be supported.

;; condition: Online Help for Integration Kit should be installed

;; following examples are from Integration Kit Online Help
;; Creo Elements/Direct Modeling
;;   LISP examples extracted from dg_manual online help
;;      description of Integration Kit Functions

(in-package :dg-examples)
(use-package :oli)

;; example # 1 starting at HTML line  332
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'quick_extrude
   :dialog-title "Q. Extrude"
          :value-type :part-incl-new
	  :modifies :contents
          :title "Part"
          :prompt-text "Identify part to be modified")
          :value-type :wp-with-profile
          :title "Workplane"
          :prompt-text "Identify workplane to extrude")
          :value-type :length
          :prompt-text "Specify distance to extrude"))
         (extrude :part qe_part
                  :wp  qe_wp
                  :distance distance)))

;; example # 2 starting at HTML line  445
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'dependent_enable_demo
    :dialog-title "Valid Part"
     '((COLOR :value-type :string
                (if (string= color "red")
                   (setq valid_part nil)
                   (sd-set-variable-status 'valid_part :enable nil))
                  (sd-set-variable-status 'valid_part :enable t)))
             :value-type :part
	     :modifies NIL
             :title "Part"
             :initial-value nil))
     '(pprint valid_part))

;; example # 3 starting at HTML line  516
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'dependent_check_demo2
  :dialog-title "Valid Part2"
   '((COLOR :value-type :string
              (case (colored-part-satisfies-name valid_part color)
                (:error (setq valid_part nil))
                (:ok t)))  ;Do nothing
            :value-type :part
	    :modifies NIL
            :title "Part"
	          :prompt-text "Identify part to be shown"
               #'(lambda (a-part)
                   (colored-part-satisfies-name a-part color))))
   '(pprint valid_part))

(defun colored-part-satisfies-name (new-part color)
;In: new-part {sel_item}
;    color    {string}
;Out: {:ok or (value :error a-message)}
  (let ((name (sd-inq-obj-basename new-part)))
    (if (and (string= color "red")
             (char-equal (elt name 0) #\p))
      (values :error "Sorry, a red part with name p... is NOT selectable")

;; example # 4 starting at HTML line  593
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'full_extrude
  :dialog-title "Full Extrude"
       :value-type :part-incl-new
       :title "Part"
       :prompt-text "Identify part to be extruded"
       :modifies :contents)
       :value-type :wp-with-profile
       :title "Workplane"
       :prompt-text "Identify workplane to extrude from"
       :modifies nil
         (if (sd-inq-obj-parent-contents-read-only-p fe_wp)
             (setq keep_wp t)
             (sd-set-variable-status 'keep_wp :enable nil))
           (sd-set-variable-status 'keep_wp :enable t)))
       :value-type :length
       :prompt-text "Specify distance to extrude")
       :value-type :part
       :initial-value nil
       :title "To Part"
  	 :prompt-text "Identify to part"
       :modifies nil)
       :value-type :wp-normal
       :title "Reverse")
       :value-type :boolean
       :title "Keep WP"
       :initial-value t
         (if fe_wp
           (not (sd-inq-obj-parent-contents-read-only-p fe_wp))
  :mutual-exclusion '(distance to_part)
       (extrude :part fe_part
                :wp fe_wp
                :distance distance
                :to_part (if to_part to_part "")
                (if (sd-vec-equal-p (sd-inq-wp-w-dir fe_wp) direction)
                :keep_wp (if keep_wp :yes :no))))

;; example # 5 starting at HTML line 2448
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'my_shared
     '((A :value-type :boolean
              (format nil "Title ~A" (if a "ON" "OFF"))))
       (NUM :value-type :number)))

;; example # 6 starting at HTML line 2516
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'accepted1
     '((A   :value-type :boolean)
       (NUM :value-type :number
             (when a
     '(pprint (list a num)))

;; example # 7 starting at HTML line 2531
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'accepted2
     '((A :value-type :boolean)
       (DO :push-action
             (when a
     '(pprint (list a)))

;; example # 8 starting at HTML line 2582
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'canceled
     '((NUM :value-type :number
              :toggle-type :invisible
                (unless (number-is-legal num)
       (A_PART :value-type :part :modifies NIL))
     '(create-parts num a_part))

;; example # 9 starting at HTML line 4334
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'my_scale
    '((NUM    :value-type    :number
              :initial-value  10
              :after-input   (setq scaled_num num))
      (ENABLE :value-type    :boolean
              :initial-value t
                (sd-set-variable-status 'scaled_num :enable enable))
              :value-type      :scale
              :minimum         1
              :maximum         20
              :initial-value   10
              :after-input     (setq num scaled_num)
              :initial-enable  t))
     '(pprint (list 'scaled_num scaled_num)))

;; example #10 starting at HTML line 4481
;;  near 

(defvar *scale-index* nil "Currently used dynamic scale index.")
(defvar *scale-values* nil "Property list containing values for each index.")

(sd-defdialog 'multiple_drags
  :dialog-title "Multiple Drags"
        :value-type :face)
        :value-type :dynamic-scale
        :toggle-push-function    #'my-toggle-push-function
        :drag-callback           (my-track-slider-value "drag callback")
        :value-change-callback   (my-track-slider-value "value change callback")))
  :after-initialization-ui '(my-initialize-multiple-drags-scale)
  :ok-action '(pprint (list 'scale-values *scale-values*)))

(defun my-toggle-push-function (index)
  (format t "~%Index ~A pushed." index)
  (my-set-drag-bounds index)
  (setq *scale-index* index))

(defun my-set-drag-bounds (index)
  (sd-set-dynamic-scale-bounds 'multiple_drags 'drag
          :minimum (case index
                     (1 -10)
                     (otherwise -100))
          :maximum (case index
                     (1 10)
                     (otherwise 100))
          :increment (case index
                       (1 1)
                       (otherwise 10))))

(defun my-track-slider-value (text)
  (let ((value (sd-get-slider-value 'multiple_drags 'drag)))
    (format t "~%~A ~A with index ~A." text value *scale-index*)
    (setf (getf *scale-values* *scale-index*) value)))

(defun my-initialize-multiple-drags-scale ()
     (sd-get-dynamic-slider-control 'multiple_drags 'drag 9))
     (sd-get-dynamic-slider-control 'multiple_drags 'drag 1)
     :callAction t)
  (my-set-drag-bounds 1)
  (setf *scale-values* nil))

;; example #11 starting at HTML line 4822
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'calling_measure_dialog
  '((PLANAR_FACE :value-type :face)
    (STRAIGHT_EDGE :value-type :edge)
    (CURVED_FACE :value-type :face
                  (setq face_point
                        (sd-get-pnt-on-face curved_face :dest-space :global)))
    (FACE_POINT  :value-type :point-3d)
    (CURVED_EDGE :value-type :edge
                  (setq edge_point
                        (getf (sd-inq-edge-pnt curved_edge 
                                 :s 2 
                                 :coordinates t
                                 :dest-space :global)
    (EDGE_POINT :value-type :point-3d)
            :my_direction :face_normal planar_face
            :my_vector :edge_tangent straight_edge :accept 34
            :my_vector_list :edge_tangent curved_edge edge_point :accept 45))
            :my_direction :neg_face_normal planar_face
            :my_vector :edge_tangent straight_edge :reverse 34
            :my_vector_list :neg_face_normal curved_face face_point 45))
     ) ;list
   ) ;pprint
) ;sd-defdialog

(sd-defdialog 'my_measure_dialog
    '((MY_DIRECTION :value-type :measure-direction)
      (MY_VECTOR :value-type :measure-vector)
      (MY_VECTOR_LIST :value-type :measure-vector-list)
   :ok-action '(list :dir my_direction :vec my_vector :vec-list my_vector_list))

;; example #12 starting at HTML line 5080
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'filename_demo
   :dialog-title "Filename"
      '((PARTS :value-type :part
               :modifies NIL
               :multiple-items t)
        (FILE :value-type :filename
              :title "Save File"
              :initialdirectory "/tmp"
              :fileType :lisp))
   :ok-action (progn

;; example #13 starting at HTML line 5186
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'display_only
   :dialog-title "Stretch Edge"
     '((AN_EDGE   :value-type :edge
                    (setq old_length
                        (measure_dist :edge_length an_edge))))
       (OLD_LENGTH :value-type :display-only
                   :display-units :length)
       (NEW_LENGTH :value-type :length)))

;; example #14 starting at HTML line 5245
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'black_box
   :dialog-title "Black Box"
     '((PICTURE   :value-type :image
                  :image-file "E:/Programs/CoCreate/OSD_Modeling_16.0.0.594/personality/pixmaps/moldbaseadvisor/prewbmp/bk.xpm")
       (N1 :value-type :number)
       (N2 :value-type :number))
   :ok-action '(create-black-box n1 n2))

;; example #15 starting at HTML line 5495
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'range_demo
    :dialog-title "Ranges"
     '((KEYWORDS1 :range (:val1 :val2 :val3))
       (KEYWORDS2 :range ((:val1 :label "Val 1")
                          (:val2 :label "Val 2")
                          (:val3 :label "Val 3")))
       (NUMBERS1  :range (1 2 3))
       (NUMBERS2  :range ((1 :label "one")
                          (2 :label "two")
                          (3 :label "three")))
       (SYMBOLS1  :range (val1 val2 val3))
       (SYMBOLS2  :range ((val1 :label "Val 1")
                          (val2 :label "Val 2")
                          (val3 :label "Val 3")))
       (STRINGS1  :range ("Val 1" "Val 2" "3"))
       (STRINGS2  :range (("Val 1" :label "1.st Val")
                          ("Val 2" :label "2.nd Val")
                          ("3"     :label "3.rd Val")))))

;; example #16 starting at HTML line 5757
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'attach_country
     '((REGION :value-type :string
               :proposals ("North America" "Europe" "Asia"))
       (A_PART :value-type :part :modifies NIL))
     '(pprint (list region a_part)))

;; example #17 starting at HTML line 5832
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'Token_String
       '((HEIGHT :value-type :measure-vector
                 :additional-token-string ":dir_len :edge_tangent")
         (OBJECT :value-type :face
                 :multiple-items t
                 :show-select-menu t
                 :additional-token-string ":start"))

;; example #18 starting at HTML line 6068
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'check_func
          :value-type :length
            #'(lambda (new-value)
                (if (and (numberp new-value) (<= 0 new-value 10))
                  (values :error
                       "The input value is beyond the range [0 10]"))))

;; example #19 starting at HTML line 6283
;;  near 

(defun number-in-bounds (candidate)
  (cond ((<= candidate 10) :ok)                 ;==> accept candidate
        ((<= 10 candidate 20) :bad)             ;==> manual decision
        ((>  20 candidate)                      ;==> reject candidate
         (values :error "The value is too big!"))))

(sd-defdialog 'confirmed_number
    :dialog-title "A number"
           :value-type :number
           :check-function number-in-bounds
               :prompt "The value is rather large, do you want to accept it?"
               :severity :medium

;; example #20 starting at HTML line 6443
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'next_demo
   :dialog-title "Trim"
     '((A_PART :value-type :part
               :modifies NIL 
               :title "Part")
       (HEIGHT :value-type :length)
       (WIDTH  :value-type :length)
       (NEXT   :push-action (trim-part a_part height width)))
      '(trim-part a_part height width))

;; example #21 starting at HTML line 6480
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'next2_demo
   :dialog-title "Actions"
     '((ENTITY :value-type :face)
             :toggle-type :grouped-toggle
             :initial-enable t
                 (pprint "Preview Action")
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'preview :enable nil)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'entity  :enable nil)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'next    :enable nil)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'un_preview :enable t)))
             :toggle-type :grouped-toggle
             :initial-enable nil
                 (pprint "Unpreview Action")
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'un_preview :enable nil)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'preview :enable t)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'entity  :enable t)
                 (sd-set-variable-status 'next    :enable t)))
       (NEXT :push-action (pprint "Do it now"))))

;; example #22 starting at HTML line 6541
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'confirm_in_after_input
     '((ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t)
       (NUM  :value-type :number
                 (pprint "after-input-1")
                 (when (and ask
                            (eq (sd-display-question "Execute after-input-2?")
                   (pprint "after-input-2")))))
   :ok-action '(pprint (list :ask ask :num num)))

;; example #23 starting at HTML line 6588
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'confirm_on_after_input
     '((ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t)
       (NUM  :value-type :number
             :after-input (pprint "after-input-1")
             :next-variable (when ask :push))
       (PUSH :push-action :bad
               (:bad :dialog :question
                     :prompt "Execute after-input-2?"
                     :ok-cleanup (pprint "after-input-2"))
             :toggle-type :invisible))
   :ok-action '(pprint (list :ask ask :num num)))

;; example #24 starting at HTML line 6620
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'confirm_in_exit
     '((ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t))
         (pprint "ok-action-1")
         (when (and ask
                    (eq (sd-display-question "Execute ok-action-2?")
           (pprint "ok-action-2"))))

;; example #25 starting at HTML line 6644
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'confirm_on_exit
     '((ok-action-1-executed :initial-value nil)
       (ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t)
       (PUSH :push-action :bad
               (:bad :dialog :question
                     :prompt "Execute ok-action-2?"
                          (pprint "ok-action-2")
                          (setq ask nil)
                          (setq ask nil)
             :toggle-type :invisible))
         (unless ok-action-1-executed
           (pprint "ok-action-1")
           (setq ok-action-1-executed t))
         (when ask
      '(when ask

;; example #26 starting at HTML line 6700
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'confirm_before_exit
     '((ok-action-1-executed :initial-value nil)
       (ASK  :value-type :boolean
             :initial-value t)
       (DO_IT :push-action (ok-action-1)
                (when ask
              :toggle-type :invisible)
       (PUSH :push-action :bad
               (:bad :dialog :question
                     :prompt "Execute ok-action-2?"
                          (pprint "ok-action-2")
                          (setq ask nil)
                          (setq ask nil)
             :toggle-type :invisible))
       '((ok-action-1 ()
           (unless ok-action-1-executed
             (pprint "ok-action-1")
             (setq ok-action-1-executed t))))
         (when ask
      '(when ask

;; example #27 starting at HTML line 6759
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'position_part_demo
   :dialog-title "Pos. Part"
     '((A_PART :value-type :part
               :modifies NIL
               :title "Part")
       (POSITIONING :position-part a_part)
       (NEXT :push-action (install-part a_part))))

;; example #28 starting at HTML line 6771
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'position_wp_demo
   :dialog-title "Pos. WP"
      '((WP   :value-type :wp
              :title "Workplane")
        (POSITIONING :position-wp wp)
        (NEXT :push-action (install-wp wp))))

;; example #29 starting at HTML line 7034
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'toggle_type_demo
   :dialog-title "Toggles"
     '(("Boolean Variables")
       (BOOL       :value-type :boolean)
       (BOOL-LEFT  :value-type :boolean
                   :toggle-type :left-toggle)
       (BOOL-RIG. :value-type :boolean
                   :toggle-type :right-toggle)
       (BOOL-WIDE  :value-type :boolean
                   :toggle-type :wide-toggle)
       (BOOL-G1    :value-type :grouped-boolean)
       (BOOL-G2    :value-type :grouped-boolean)
       ("Push Actions")
       (PUSH       :push-action (pprint "push"))
       (PUSH-LEFT  :push-action (pprint "push-l")
                   :toggle-type :left-toggle)
       (PUSH-RIGHT :push-action (pprint "push-l")
                   :toggle-type :right-toggle)
       (PUSH-WIDE  :push-action (pprint "push-l")
                   :toggle-type :wide-toggle)
       (PUSH-G1    :push-action (pprint "push-g1")
                   :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       (PUSH-G2    :push-action (pprint "push-g1")
                   :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       ("Combined Bool/Push")
       (BOOL-C1    :value-type :grouped-boolean)
       (PUSH-C2    :push-action (pprint "push-c2")
                   :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       (NUM        :value-type  :number)
       (NUM-IND    :value-type  :number
                   :toggle-type :indicator-toggle-data)))

;; example #30 starting at HTML line 7117
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'size_demo
   :dialog-title "Size"
      '(("Data Fields")
        (NUM1/2  :value-type :number)          ;default :size = :half
        (NUM1/3  :value-type :number
                 :size :third)
        (BOOL1/2 :value-type :grouped-boolean) ;default :size = :half
        (BOOL2/2 :value-type :grouped-boolean) ;default :size = :half
        (B1/3    :value-type :grouped-boolean
                 :size :third)
        (B2/3    :value-type :grouped-boolean
                 :size :third)
        (B3/3    :value-type :grouped-boolean
                 :size :third)))

;; example #31 starting at HTML line 7365
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'expand_push
  :dialog-title "Expand Push"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (PARAMETERS :expand-shrink (a b))
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (FILE :value-type :string)))

;; example #32 starting at HTML line 7451
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'expand_bool
  :dialog-title "Expand Bool"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (PARAMETERS :expand-shrink (a b)
                  :expand-shrink-toggle-type :boolean)
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (FILE :value-type :string)))

;; example #33 starting at HTML line 7475
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'expand_pair
  :dialog-title "Expand Pair"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (PARAMETERS :expand-shrink (a b)
                  :expand-shrink-toggle-type :toggle-pair
                  :expand-token :with_ab
                  :shrink-token :without_ab)
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (FILE :value-type :string)))

;; example #34 starting at HTML line 7514
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'expand_range
  :dialog-title "Expand Range"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (PARAMETERS :expand-shrink ((a) (b c) (d e f))
            :expand-shrink-range ((:small :label "Small")
                                  (:medium :label "Medium")
                                  (:large :label "Large")))
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (C :value-type :number
         :initial-value 7)
      (D :value-type :number
         :initial-value 8)
      (E :value-type :number
         :initial-value 9)
      (F :value-type :number
         :initial-value 10)
      (FILE :value-type :string)))

;; example #35 starting at HTML line 7710
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'external_expand_push
  :dialog-title "External Push"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (MORE :external-expand-shrink (c d)
            :title "More Parameters"
            :external-dialog-title "Detail Parameters")
      (C :value-type :number
         :initial-value 7)
      (D :value-type :number
         :initial-value 8)
      (A_FACE :value-type :face)))

;; example #36 starting at HTML line 7742
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'external_expand_bool
  :dialog-title "External Bool"
    '((OBJECT :value-type :part
              :modifies NIL)
      (A :value-type :number
         :initial-value 5)
      (B :value-type :number
         :initial-value 6)
      (MORE   :external-expand-shrink (c d)
              :external-expand-shrink-toggle-type :boolean
              :title "More Parameters"
              :external-dialog-title "Detail Parameters")
      (C :value-type :number
         :initial-value 7)
      (D :value-type :number
         :initial-value 8)
      (A_FACE :value-type :face)))

;; example #37 starting at HTML line 7842
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'my_area
   '((NUM :value-type :number
             (setq str (format nil "x_~A" num))) 
     (FO  :embedded-area-definition (create-my-uict-area)
          :title "String"
          :frame t
          :height 73)
     (STR :value-type :string
          :initial-value "abc"
          :uict-tb "MY_AREA-STRING-TB"
          :uict-tx "MY_AREA-STRING-TX")
     (A_PART :value-type :part
             :modifies :contents
             :title "Part"))

;; example #38 starting at HTML line 7866
;;  near 

(defun create-my-uict-area ()
  (let ((area-name (sd-get-embedded-area-name 'my_area :fo)))
    (sd-create-pushbutton-control "MY_AREA-STRING-TB" area-name
                              :x              0
                              :y              0
                              :width          (- (sd-get-default-dialog-client-area-width) 20)
                              :height         22
                              :title          "String")

    (sd-create-text-control "MY_AREA-STRING-TX" area-name
                              :x              0
                              :y              30
                              :width          (- (sd-get-default-dialog-client-area-width) 20)
                              :height         20))

;; example #39 starting at HTML line 8029
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'do_with_item
     '((TYPE :range (:edge :face))
       (PUSH :push-action (progn)
               (case type
                 (:edge 'do_edge)
                 (:face 'do_face)))
       (DO_EDGE :value-type :edge
                :toggle-type :invisible
                :after-input (item-function do_edge)
                :next-variable 'do_edge)
       (DO_FACE :value-type :face
                :toggle-type :invisible
                :after-input (item-function do_face)
                :next-variable 'do_face)
    ; .....
   '((item-function (item)
       (pprint (list :item item))
       ; .....

;; example #40 starting at HTML line 8091
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'pick_several
     (TYPE :range (:by-face :by-edge)
             (case type
               (:by-face 'p_face)
               (:by-edge 'p_edge)))
     (P_FACE :value-type :face
             :toggle-type :invisible
             :next-variable 'p_face
             :after-input (push p_face objects))
     (P_EDGE :value-type :edge
             :toggle-type :invisible
             :next-variable 'p_edge
             :after-input (push p_edge objects)))
      (if (< (length objects) 4)
          (sd-display-error "Pick more than 3 objects.")
        (pprint objects)))
    '(case type
       (:by-face 'p_face)
       (:by-edge 'p_edge)))

;; example #41 starting at HTML line 8205
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'interpolate_demo
  :dialog-title "Curve"
   '((POINT_LIST)          ;internal non displayed variable
     (POINT_FEEDBACK_LIST) ;internal non displayed variable
     (NEW_POINT            ;internal input variable
        :value-type :point-3d
        :toggle-type :invisible
        :prompt-text "Pick a point or press Back"
        :after-input (push-point new_point))
        :range ((:linear :label "linear")
                (:quadratic :label "quadratic")
                (:cubic :label "cubic")))
     (BACK :push-action (pop-point)))
    '((PUSH-POINT (a-new-point)
         (push a-new-point point_list)
         (push (setup-point-feedback a-new-point) point_feedback_list)
         (if (= (length point_feedback_list) 1)
           (sd-set-variable-status 'back :enable t)))
      (POP-POINT ()
         (cleanup-point-feedback (pop point_feedback_list))
         (pop point_list)
         (unless point_list
           (sd-set-variable-status 'back :enable nil))))
  :prompt-variable 'new_point
       (interpolate-between-points degree point_list)
       (loop ;repeat until no items left
         (unless (pop-point)

;; example #42 starting at HTML line 8242
;;  near 

(defun setup-point-feedback (point)
  (print (list :point point))
  (progn "..."))   ;returns feedback object
(defun cleanup-point-feedback (point)
  (print (list :point point))
  (progn "...")) ;return is not used

;; example #43 starting at HTML line 8606
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'my_help
    '((bla :value-type :number))
    '(sd-display-url "http://www.ptc.com"))

;; example #44 starting at HTML line 8617
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'my_dyn_help
    '((A_PART :value-type :part :modifies NIL)
      (HELP_ON :range (:goodies :lego)))
    '(ecase help_on
         (sd-display-url (format nil "~A/help/osdm/Common/documentation/goodies/Readme.html"
         (sd-display-url (format nil "~A/help/osdm/Common/documentation/integration_kit/home.html"

;; example #45 starting at HTML line 9144
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'a_non_embedded_subaction
    :dialog-type :subaction
    :embedded-ui nil        ;; default = t
     '((STRING_1 :value-type :string
                 :initial-value (first default))
       (A_PART   :value-type :part)
       (STRING_2 :value-type :string
                 :initial-value (third default))
       (ACCEPT   :push-action (sd-accept-dialog)
                 :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       (ABORT    :push-action (sd-abort-dialog)
                 :toggle-type :grouped-toggle))
     '(list string_1 a_part string_2))

(sd-defdialog 'calling_dialog_nemb
    :dialog-title "Calling Dialog"
     '((RESULT     :value-type :list
                   :title "SA Result"
                   :subaction-name a_non_embedded_subaction
                   :default result
                     (setq parameter1 (first result)))
       (PARAMETER1 :value-type :display-only)
       (PARAMETER2 :value-type :string))
     '(pprint (list result parameter1 parameter2)))

;; example #46 starting at HTML line 9280
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'calling_push_dialog
    :dialog-title "Calling Push Dialog"
     '((DO_IT      :push-action (progn)
                   :title "Do it"
                   :subaction-name a_non_embedded_subaction
                   :default (list parameter1 parameter2)
                     (setq parameter1 (first do_it)))
       (PARAMETER1 :value-type :display-only)
       (PARAMETER2 :value-type :string))
     '(pprint (list do_it parameter1 parameter2)))

;; example #47 starting at HTML line 9362
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'an_embedded_subaction
    :dialog-type :subaction
     '((STRING_1 :value-type :string
                 :initial-value (extract-first-string default))
       (A_PART   :value-type :part)
       (STRING_2 :value-type :string
                 :initial-value (extract-second-string default))
       (ACCEPT   :push-action (sd-accept-dialog)
                 :toggle-type :grouped-toggle)
       (ABORT    :push-action (sd-abort-dialog)
                 :toggle-type :grouped-toggle))
       '(subaction-ok-action string_1 string_2))

(sd-defdialog 'a_calling_dialog
    :dialog-title "A Calling Dialog"
     '((PARAMETER1 :value-type :string)
       (RESULT     :value-type :string
                   :title "SA Result"
                   :subaction-name an_embedded_subaction
                   :embedded-location parameter2
                   :default result)
       (PARAMETER2 :value-type :string))
       '(show-my-subaction-results result parameter1 parameter2))

(defun extract-first-string (a-str)
 (when (sd-string-p a-str) (car (sd-string-split a-str " "))))
(defun extract-second-string (a-str)
 (when (sd-string-p a-str) (cadr (sd-string-split a-str " "))))
(defun subaction-ok-action (str1 str2)
  (format nil "~A ~A" str1 str2))
(defun show-my-subaction-results (res p1 p2)
  (format nil "~%Result : ~A~%Param1 : ~A~%Param2 : ~A~%"
          res p1 p2)))

;; example #48 starting at HTML line 9415
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'visible_subdialog
   :dialog-type :subaction
   :embedded-ui nil  ;;since calling dialog has no UI
     '((A   :value-type :number
            :initial-visible (getf default :a-visible))
       (B   :value-type :number
            :initial-visible (getf default :b-visible))
       (C   :value-type :number
            :initial-visible (getf default :c-visible))
       (D   :value-type :number
            :initial-visible (getf default :d-visible)))
        (sd-set-dialog-title (getf default :dialog-title))
        (sd-set-variable-status 'c :title (getf default :c-title)))
   :ok-action '(format nil "~A-~A-~A-~A" a b c d))

(sd-defdialog 'caller_abc
   :dialog-control :sequential
   '((DUMMY :value-type :string
            :subaction-name visible_subdialog
            :default '(:a-visible t
                       :b-visible t
                       :c-visible t :c-title "abC"
                       :d-visible nil
                       :dialog-title "ABC"))))

(sd-defdialog 'caller_bcd
   :dialog-control :sequential
   '((DUMMY :value-type :string
            :subaction-name visible_subdialog
            :default '(:a-visible nil
                       :b-visible t
                       :c-visible t :c-title "bCd"
                       :d-visible t
                       :dialog-title "BCD"))))

;; example #49 starting at HTML line 9801
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'pds_variant
  :persistent-data-storage-variant-variable 'mode
   '((MODE :value-type :keyword)
     (BOOL :value-type :boolean
           :persistent-data-storage t)
     (NUM  :value-type :number
           :persistent-data-storage t)))

;; example #50 starting at HTML line 9830
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'pds_sub_variant
  :persistent-data-storage-variant-variable 'mode
  :dialog-type :subaction
    '((MODE :initial-value (getf default :mode))
      (S :value-type :string
         :persistent-data-storage t)
      (B :value-type :boolean
         :persistent-data-storage t)
      (D :value-type :face)))

(sd-defdialog 'my_pds_with_sub_on
   '((BOOL :value-type :boolean
           :initial-value t
           :persistent-data-storage t
     (SUB :value-type :list
          :subaction-name pds_sub_variant
          :default '(:mode :on))

(sd-defdialog 'my_pds_with_sub_off
   '((BOOL :value-type :boolean
           :initial-value t
           :persistent-data-storage t
     (SUB :value-type :list
          :subaction-name pds_sub_variant
          :default '(:mode :off))

;; Creo Elements/Direct Modeling
;;   LISP examples extracted from dg_3dcopilot online help
;;      description of Integration Kit Functions

(in-package :dg-examples)
(use-package :oli)

;; example # 1 starting at HTML line 1473
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'co_view
  :without-show t
  :prompt-variable 'ref
   (REF :selection (*sd-face-seltype*
        :incl-position   :3d
          (sd-delete-polestar POLESTAR)
          (setq POLESTAR
                :pick-token ":polestar_pick"
                :forward-picking t
                :components (sd-classic-polestar-components
                              (first ref) (second ref))
        :value-type :point-3d-pick
            (second ref) 
            (sd-inq-polestar-pick polestar :dir))

(defun set-copilot-view (pos dir)
  (let ((vp-name (sd-inq-current-vp)))
    (when pos
      (set_vp_to_point vp-name pos)
      ;avoid sd-call-cmds in above interrupt action
      ;to obtain interpolated camera update.
    (when dir
         (set_vp_direction vp-name (sd-vec-subtract 0,0,0 dir))))

;; example # 2 starting at HTML line 1538
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'co_extrude
    (WP :value-type :wp-with-profile
        :incl-position   :3d
          (sd-delete-polestar polestar)
          (setq POLESTAR 
                   (list (list :type :line 
                               :pick-token ":DISTANCE" 
                               :origin (second WP)
                               :dir (sd-inq-wp-w-dir (first WP))
                               :backward-arrow nil
                               :mid-disc t))))
          (sd-modify-quickview 'distance distance))
        :value-type :length
        :drag-from-polestar  POLESTAR
        :quickview-type      :extrude-profile 
        :quickview-wp        WP 
    (KEEP_PROFILE     :value-type :boolean)
       :wp             (first wp)
       :auto_direction :yes 
       :keep_wp        :yes
       :keep_profile   (if keep_profile :yes :no)
       :direction      :+w
       :distance       distance

;; example # 3 starting at HTML line 1592
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'co_parcels
      :selection (*sd-face-seltype*
      :incl-position :3d
        (when POLESTAR
          (sd-delete-polestar POLESTAR))
        (setq POLESTAR
            :pick-token ":DRAG_VARIABLE"
            :components (sd-classic-polestar-components
                          (first FEV) (second FEV)))))
      :drag-from-polestar POLESTAR
      :polestar-passenger t
      :quickview-type     :qv-parcel
      :quickview-parcels  (list (first FEV))

;; example # 4 starting at HTML line 1644
;;  near 

(sd-defdialog 'co_cable
  :prompt-variable               'MY_POINT
    (POLESTAR                   :initial-value nil)
    (NEIGHBORING-PNTS           :initial-value nil)
    (DISC-DIRS                  :intiial-value nil)
    (LINE-DIRS                  :intiial-value nil)
    (FEEDBACKS                  :initial-value nil)
      :selection                *sd-vertex-3d-seltype*
      :multiple-items           nil
      :wire-part-allowed        t
      :incl-position            :3d
      :after-input              (make-polestar) 
      :value-type               :boolean
      :after-input              (make-polestar)
      :value-type               :boolean
      :toggle-type              :wide-toggle
      :after-input              (make-polestar)
      :value-type :boolean

      :drag-from-polestar POLESTAR
      :polestar-passenger t

      :quickview-type            :lisp-feedback
      :feedback-update-function  update-feedback
      :feedback-destroy-function destroy-feedback
      :feedback-apply-function   apply-quickview

       (when (and POLESTAR (not POLESTAR_PICK)) ; dragging cancelled
         (sd-delete-polestar POLESTAR)
         (setq POLESTAR nil))
    (make-polestar ()
      (sd-delete-polestar POLESTAR)
      (setq POLESTAR
               :origin (second MY_POINT)
               :pick-token ":POLESTAR_PICK"
               :components (get-polestar-components))))

    (get-polestar-components ()
      (set-qp-data (first MY_POINT))
      (let ((components nil))
        (dolist (dir LINE-DIRS)
          (push (list :type :line :dir dir :origin (first MY_POINT)) components))
        (dolist (dir DISC-DIRS)
          (push (list :type :disc :dir dir :origin (first MY_POINT)) components))

    (set-qp-data (vertex)
          (sd-call-cmds (GET_SELECTION :select :edge_3d :by_vertex_3d vertex)))

      (setq NEIGHBORING-PNTS nil)
      (dolist (edge NEIGHBORING-EDGES)
       (let* ((struc (sd-inq-edge-geo edge :dest-space :global))
              (pnt (cond ((equal (sd-edge-start-pnt struc) 
                                 (second MY_POINT))
                          (sd-edge-end-pnt struc))
                         ((equal (sd-edge-end-pnt struc)
                                 (second MY_POINT))
                          (sd-edge-start-pnt struc)))))
         (when pnt 
           (push pnt NEIGHBORING-PNTS))))

      (setq LINE-DIRS nil)
      (setq DISC-DIRS nil)

      ;; Build a list of non parallel vectors
      (dolist (edge NEIGHBORING-EDGES)
        ;; only works for lines as we don't know whether it's the start or
        ;; end of the edge that is incident at our vertex. For lines this
        ;; does not matter.
        (let ((sd-curve (sd-inq-geo-props edge :dest-space :global)))
          (when (sd-line-p sd-curve)
            (let ((dir (sd-line-dir sd-curve)))
              (when (not (vec-parallel-to-any dir LINE-DIRS))
                (setq LINE-DIRS (cons dir LINE-DIRS)))

      (when USE-GLOBAL-XYZ
        ;; Use global x,y,z rather than the neighbouring edge basis.
        (setq LINE-DIRS '(1,0,0 0,1,0 0,0,1))
        (when USE-DISCS (setq DISC-DIRS LINE-DIRS))

      ;; We expect 1 or 2 dirs
      (case (length LINE-DIRS)
        (1 ;; Add two ortho normal lines
          (setq LINE-DIRS (cons (vec-orthogonal (first LINE-DIRS)) LINE-DIRS))
          (setq LINE-DIRS (cons (sd-vec-normalize (sd-vec-cross-product 
                                                             (first  LINE-DIRS) 
                                                             (second LINE-DIRS)))
          ;; And make 2 planes !
          (when USE-DISCS 
            (setq DISC-DIRS (cons (first  LINE-DIRS) DISC-DIRS))
            (setq DISC-DIRS (cons (second LINE-DIRS) DISC-DIRS))
        (2 ;; Cross these two 
           (let ((dir (sd-vec-normalize (sd-vec-cross-product (first LINE-DIRS) 
                                                              (second LINE-DIRS)))))
             (unless (sd-vec-null-p dir)
               (when USE-DISCS 
                 (setq DISC-DIRS (cons dir DISC-DIRS))
               (setq LINE-DIRS (cons dir LINE-DIRS))

    (update-feedback (quickview) 
      ; 1. delete existing feedbacks
      (destroy-feedback quickview)
      ; 2. create new feedbacks
      (let ((pos (get-quickview-position quickview)))
        (setf FEEDBACKS
              (mapcar #'(lambda (start) 
                                  (list start pos) :color 1,0,0)
      ;; NB: would be faster if there were a sd-modify-polyline-feedback
      ;; so we could avoid deleting and re-creating on each step.

    (destroy-feedback (quickview)
      (declare (ignore quickview))
      (dolist (fb FEEDBACKS)
        (sd-end-feedback fb))
      (setf FEEDBACKS nil)

    (get-quickview-position (quickview)
      (let* ((qv-result (sd-inq-quickview quickview :vector-transform))
             (dir (getf qv-result :translation)))
        (when dir
          (sd-vec-add (second MY_POINT) dir))))

    (apply-quickview (qv)
      (let ((pos (get-quickview-position qv)) ;; Get the new position 
            (part_sel          ;; Find the part to modify, from the vertex
                 (get_selection :focus_type *sd-part-seltype*
                                    :select (second MY_POINT)))

        (sd-delete-quickview 'POLESTAR_PICK)

        ;; delete the neighbouring edges and make new ones to the new pos
            (dolist (edge NEIGHBORING-EDGES)
              (curve_deletion edge)
            (dolist (start-point NEIGHBORING-PNTS)
              (straight_creation :wire_part part_sel :two_points start-point pos)

        ;; Update MY_POINT and the polestar
        (let ((vertex_sel
                  (get_selection :focus_type *sd-vertex-3d-seltype*
                                     :select pos)
          ;; using set-variable-status forces the after-input to be run, which
          ;; remakes the polestar
          (sd-set-variable-status 'MY_POINT :value (list vertex_sel pos))

;;                                                                            ;;
;; Vec Utils                                                                  ;;
;;                                                                            ;;

(defun vec-parallel-to-any (vec vec-list)
  (dolist (v vec-list)
    (when (vec-parallel v vec)
      (return-from vec-parallel-to-any t))

;; There's no sd-vec-parallel includes anti-parallel
(defun vec-parallel (vec1 vec2)
  (let ((uvec1 (sd-vec-normalize vec1))
        (uvec2 (sd-vec-normalize vec2)))
    (or (equalp uvec1 uvec2)
        (equalp uvec1 (sd-vec-scale uvec2 -1.0))))

(defun vec-orthogonal (vec)
  (let ((x (gpnt3d_x vec))
        (y (gpnt3d_y vec))
        (z (gpnt3d_z vec)))
    ;scalar product must be zero.
    (if (or (> (* x x) 0) (> (* y y) 0))
      (setq new-x (- y) new-y (- x) new-z 0)
      (setq new-x (- z) new-y 0 new-z (- x)))
      (make-gpnt3d :x new-x :y new-y :z new-z)))


Minimized UI with sd-defdialog - Additional Example

Note: This is an example file showing concepts of the Integration Kit. The code itself is not supported and will never be supported.
(in-package  :dg-examples)
(use-package '( :oli))

;; define a dialog with some buttons specified as ':minimal-ui T'
 :dialog-control :parallel
 :dialog-title "Minimal UI example"
 '(when (sd-control-visible-p "PRESENT_MINIMIZED_UI_CHANCES")
    (display "To see the possibilities of Minimized UI you should use the
Tools/Customize command to push the ICON 'Minimized UI' out of 'SolidDesigner/Test' group into a toolbar of your choice and call it from over there.")
    ;; this variable will be visible in minimized UI
    :minimal-ui T
    :minimal-ui-title "Absolute Angle" 
    :minimal-ui-width  25 ;;  the width in GRID unit
    :title "Abs Angle" 
    :value-type :angle
    :proposals ()
    :auto-add-proposals T
    ;; this variable will be visible in minimized UI
    :minimal-ui T
    :title "Length" 
    :value-type :length
    :proposals '()
    :auto-add-proposals T
    ;; this variable will NOT be visible in minimized UI, but will be shown 
    ;;   when user requests the complete UI
    :title "Comment" 
    :value-type :string
    :initial-optional T
    :prompt-text "What do you want to tell me?  [string]"
     ;:title (sd-get-control-title (sd-get-variable-ui-properties 'present_minimized_ui_chances :comment :TB))
     :title "What do you want to tell me?"
     :initialText comment
     :position `(,(sd-get-variable-ui-properties 'present_minimized_ui_chances :comment :TB)
    :hide-input-tool (sd-hide-general-text-editor)
      (pprint (format nil "I would like to tell you: ~A " comment))
    :proposals '()
    :auto-add-proposals T
    ;; this variable will NOT be visible at all! (regardless of minimized or not)
    :toggle-type :invisible
    :prompt-text "What additional thing do you want to tell me?  [string]"
    :value-type :string
    :after-input (pprint "There's only a hidden secret not to be told.... ")
 '(display (format nil "You entered ~%~A ~A~%~A ~A~%~A ~A~%"
		 "a rotation angle of " (sd-num-to-string (sd-sys-to-user-units :angle rot_angle))
		 "a move length of " (sd-num-to-string (sd-sys-to-user-units :length move_length))
		 "and (may be) the comment " (or comment "")

;; to have access to the miminized UI the UI behaviour has
;;  to be set to :on-request. Therefore we add an available
;;  command now:
(sd-define-available-command "SolidDesigner" "Test" "Present Minimized UI"
			     :commandTitle    "Minimized UI"
			     :action          "present_minimized_ui_chances"
			     :description     "Show the possibilities of minimized UI of OSD 12.x"
			     :ui-behavior     :on-request

;; well these (normally default) settings have to be set 
;;  to work with UI on request and minimal UI's

;  END of Example
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; END of Example