SHA_PUNCH punches a hole into a sheet metal part using a specific punch tool, thus creating a punch feature.
+----------------<--------------------+ | | -->(SHA_PUNCH)--+--(:SHEET_PART)----|sheet|-----------+--> | | +--(:WP)------------|wp|--------------+ | | +--(:PROCESS)-------|process name|----+ | | +--(:TOOL_TYPE)-----[tool type id]----+ | | +--(:TOOL)----------[tool id]---------+ | | +--(:TOOL_ANGLE)----|angle|-----------+ | | +--(:DEPTH)---------|depth|-----------+ | | +--(:ADJUST_POINT)--|pt 2d|--|pt 2d|--+ | | +--(:POSITION_BACK)-------------------+ | | +--(:NEXT_BOOLEAN)--------------------+ | | +--(:BOOLEAN_BACK)--------------------+ | | +--|confirmed point 2d|---------------+
- specifies the sheet metal part to be punched.
- specifies the workplane to be used to position the punch tool.
- specifies the punch process to use.
- specifies the punch tool type.
- specifies the punch tool.
- specifies the positioning angle for the punch tool.
- specifies the punch depth for the tool.
- specifies a new adjust point (cursor point) for the tool.
- undoes the last tool positioning.
- performs the punch and allows to position the tool again.
- undoes the last punch.