[Contents] [Index] [Books]

CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

SELECT subaction

SELECT specifies, for example, existing geometry, parts, assemblies, workplanes, layouts.


                 |                   |                     ^
                 v                   v                     |
              |     |             |                        |
              |     +--(:REMOVE)--+                        |
              v     |             |                        |
              |     +--(:AND)-----+                        |
              |     |             |                        |
              |     +--(:EXOR)----+                        ^
              |     |             |                        |
              |     +--(:CLEAR)---+                        |
              |                                            |

      --->(ONE-STEP-SELECT)-----+     +--|string|------------------------+-->
                                |     |                                  |
                                |     +--(:RECURSIVE)------------------->|
                                |     |                                  |
                                |     +--(:NON_RECURSIVE)--------------->|
                                |     |                                  |
                                |     +--|pick|-+-+----------------------+
                                |     |         | |                      |
                                |     |         | v  If an assembly      |
                                |     |         | |  is selected         |
                                |     |         | |                      |
                                |     |         | |<------------------+  |
                                |     |         | |                   |  |
                                |     |         | +-(PARENT_ASSEMBLY)-+--+
                                |     |         | |                   |  |
                                |     |         | +-(SELECT_DONE)-----+  |
                                |     |         |                        |
                                |     |         |                        |
                                |     |         +--------+               |
                                |     |                  |               |
                                |     |     If select    |(only if focus |
                                |     |        by pick   v contains any  |
                                |     |        failed    | 2d elements)  |
                                |     |                  |               |
                                |     +-(:BY_BOX)-|pick|-+--|pick|-------+
                                |     |                                  |
                                |     +-(:BY_BOX_VP)--->(VP-BOX)-------->+
                                |     |                                  |
                                |     +-(:BY_BOX_VP_OBJ)-->(VP-BOX)----->+
                                |     |                                  |
                                |     +-(:BY_BOX_WP)--->(WP-BOX)-------->+
                                |     |                                  |
                                |     +-(:BY_BOX_WP_OBJ)--->(WP-BOX)---->+
                                |     |                                  |
                                |     +-(:CURRENT)-----------------------+
                                |     |                                  |
                                |     +-(COMPOUND-NAME)------------------+
                                |     ^
           Selection Focus      |     |     Indirect Selection by Grouping
           ===============      |     |     ==============================
           |                    |     |                                   |
           v                    ^     v                                   ^
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:VERTEX_2D)------+     +---------(:ALL_2D)-----------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:USER_POINT)-----+     +---------(:BY_VERTEX_2D)-----------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:EDGE_2D)--------+     +---------(:ALL_3D)-----------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:LINE_2D)--------+     +---------(:BY_VERTEX_3D)-----------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:CIRCLE_2D)------+     +---------(:BY_EDGE_3D)-------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:ARC_2D)---------+     +---------(:BY_FACE)----------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:SPLINE_2D)------+     +---------(:IN_PART)----------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:FILLET_2D)------+     +---------(:IN_ASSEMBLY)------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:CHAMFER_2D)-----+     +---------(:IN_WPSET)---------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:C_LINE_2D)------+     +---------(:IN_LAYOUT)--------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:C_CIRCLE_2D)----+     +---------(:ALL_AT_TOP)-------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:C_ARC_2D)-------+     +---------(:ALL_LABELS)-------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:C_SPLINE_2D)----+     +---------(:IN_WPSET_LABEL)---------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:C_USER_POINT)---+     +---------(:IN_WP_LABEL)------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:C_FILLET_2D)----+     +---------(:IN_PART_LABEL)----------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:C_CHAMFER_2D)---+     +---------(:IN_ASSEMBLY_LABEL)------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +-(:CONTROL_POINT)---+     +---------(:BY_FEATURE)-------------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +-(:INTERPOLATION_POINT)-+ +---------(:BY_BOSS_POCKET)---------+
           |                    |     |                                   |
           +--(:CONTROL_LINE)---+     +---------(:SMOOTH_EDGES_3D)--------+
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |
           |                    |

      --->(COMPOUND-NAME)---> ...

             |                   |                          {3}
      ... ---+--->(:FULL_NAME)---+-->(:START_NAME)-->-|assy/part name|-+
             |                                        ^
             v                                        |
             +--->(:FEATURE)--->+--->|element name|---+--->(:END_NAME)--->
             |                  |
             |                  |
             |                  |
             |                  |
             |                  |
      (Selection of relation needs the additional specification of
       :RELATION_SET "relation set name" with no particular order
       with-respect-to the relation specification itself.)

        {3} Selection of the assembly is necessary for relations
            and relation-sets.

           Selection Focus               Indirect Selection by Grouping
           ===============               ==============================
           v                    ^        v                                   ^
           .                    .        .                                   .
           +--(:LABEL_REL)------+        +---------(:ALL_LABELS_REL)---------+
           |                    |        |                                   |
           +--(:RELATION_SET)---+        +---------(:IN_RELATION_LBL_REL)----+
           |                    |        |                                   |
           +--(:RELATION)-------+        +---------(:IN_WP_LBL_REL)----------+
           |                    |        |                                   |
           +--(:DISTANCE_REL)---+        +---------(:IN_PART_LBL_REL)--------+
           |                    |        |                                   |
           +--(:ANGLE_REL)------+        +---------(:IN_ASSY_LBL_REL)--------+
           |                    |        |                                   |
           +--(:PARALLEL_REL)---+        +---------(:BY_VERTEX_LBL_REL)------+
           |                    |        |                                   |
           +--(:PERPENDICULAR_REL)-+     +---------(:BY_EDGE_LBL_REL)--------+
           |                    |        |                                   |
           +--(:COINCIDENT_REL)-+        +---------(:BY_FACE_LBL_REL)--------+
           |                    |        .                                   .
           +--(:TANGENT_REL)----+        .                                   .
           |                    |        +---------(:ALL_RELATIONS)----------+
           +--(:FIXED_REL)------+        |                                   |
           |                    |        +---------(:ALL_REL_SETS)-----------+
           +--(:RIGID_REL)------+        |                                   |
                                         |                                   |
                                         |                                   |
                                         |                                   |
                                         |                                   |
                                         |                                   |

      --->(VP-BOX) ---> ...

      ... --->|first corner|--->|second corner|--->

      --->(WP-BOX) ---> ...

            +---------------------+                    +---------------------+
            |                     |                    |                     |
            v                     |                    v                     |
            +-->|offset number|-->+                    +-->|offset number|-->+
            ^                     |                    ^                     |
            |                     v                    |                     v
     ... ---+-------------------->+-->|first corner|---+-------------------->+---+
         +<--- ..                                                         .. <---+
         +--->|second corner|---->+-->|third corner|-->+--->
                                  |                    ^
                                  |                    |


The following options are available to specify existing geometry. The subset displayed in the Select Container depends on the types of elements valid for the specific operation.

When to use

SELECT specifies existing geometry in one of several ways. You can:

When appropriate, OneSpace Designer displays the Select button, which opens a Select menu allowing you to:

The menu displayed depends on the current operation being performed. The menu differs for:

However, all menus have the following structure:

  1. List operation(s)
  2. Limiting to element(s)
  3. Selection method(s).

The following tables show which 2D or 3D elements (defined in the left-hand vertical column of each table), can be grouped by:

            | Group by -> | POINT_2D | EDGE_2D | WORKPLANE |
            |   |         |          |         |           |
            |   v         +----------+---------+-----------+
            | POINT_2D    |          |    x    |     x     |
            | USER_POINT  |          |         |     x     |
            | EDGE_2D     |     x    |         |     x     |
            | LINE_2D     |     x    |         |     x     |
            | CIRCLE_2D   |     x    |         |     x     |
            | ARC_2D      |     x    |         |     x     |
            | SPLINE_2D   |     x    |         |     x     |
            | C_LINE_2D   |          |         |     x     |
            | C_CIRCLE_2D |          |         |     x     |
            | C_ARC_2D    |          |         |     x     |
            | C_SPLINE_2D |          |         |     x     |

            | Group by -> |   PART   | ASSEMBLY|   WPSET   |
            |   |         |          |         |           |
            |   v         +----------+---------+-----------+
            | WORKPLANE   |          |    x    |     x     |
            | WPSET       |          |         |     x     |
            | PART        |          |         |     x     |
            | ASSEMBLY    |          |         |     x     |


To delete all workplanes of a workplane set, enter the following command:


This parameter sequence:

  1. Enters the Delete 3D selection mechanism.
  2. Identifies the wp-set by name and makes it current.
  3. Deletes the current wp-set and exits the menu.

All workplane names must be enclosed by double quotes (" ").

See also

SELECT_LIGHT_SA subaction SELECT_VP_SA subaction
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