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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

CREATE_WORKPLANE terminate action

CREATE_WORKPLANE creates new, copied or shared workplanes with the name, and owner you specify. The new workplane will become the active workplane.


                           |                 |    |
                           +----(:COPY)------+    |
                           |                 |    v
                           +----(:SHARE)-----+    |
    v    +------------------------------<--------------------------+
    |    |                                                         |
         |  |                                                      |
         |  +--(:NAME)--|string|-----------------------------------+
         |  |                                                      |
         |  +--(:OWNER)--|select wp_set|---------------------------+
         |  |                                                      |
         ^  +--(:SOURCE)--|select ref wp|--------------------------+
         |  |                                                      |
         |  +--(:KEEP_ATTR)--|keep attributes (:ON/:OFF)|----------+
         |  |                (share only)                          |
         |  |                                                      |
         |  +--|POSITION_WP_SA|------------------------------------+
         |  |
         |  +--(:NEXT)--+
         |              |


The following options are available to create your new workplane.

When to use

Use this action to create one or more workplanes.


The following parameter sequence creates a new copied workplane.

CREATE_WORKPLANE :COPY [specify original] :NAME "wp2" :OWNER "/wps1" [use POSITION_WP_SA] COMPLETE

All workplane names must be enclosed by double quotes (" ").

See also

CURRENT_WP terminate action CREATE_WPSET terminate action CHANGE_WP_OWNER terminate action POSITION_WP_SA subaction
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