CREATE_WORKPLANE creates new, copied or shared
workplanes with the name, and owner you specify. The new
workplane will become the active workplane.
| | |
+----(:COPY)------+ |
| | v
+----(:SHARE)-----+ |
v +------------------------------<--------------------------+
| | |
| | |
| +--(:NAME)--|string|-----------------------------------+
| | |
| +--(:OWNER)--|select wp_set|---------------------------+
| | |
^ +--(:SOURCE)--|select ref wp|--------------------------+
| | |
| +--(:KEEP_ATTR)--|keep attributes (:ON/:OFF)|----------+
| | (share only) |
| | |
| +--|POSITION_WP_SA|------------------------------------+
| |
| +--(:NEXT)--+
| |
The following options are available to create your new
- :NEW - specifies a new workplane totally independent of any
existing workplane, and containing no initial geometry.
- :COPY - specifies a reference workplane. The new workplane
will be completely separate from the reference workplane.
- :SHARE - specifies a reference workplane. The new workplane
will share the geometry of the reference workplane. If there is a
change in one workplane, that change
will be reflected in this and any other shared workplanes.
- :NAME - specifies a workplane name.
The default name is "w*", where * is an integer number that
guarantees a unique name. The default orientation corresponds to
the global coordinate system, (wp origin: 0,0,0; u-axis: 1,0,0;
v-axis: 0,1,0; normal: 0,0,1).
- :OWNER - specifies a workplane set to own the workplane. The default
owner is root.
- :SOURCE - specifies the source workplane when either the
:COPY or :SHARE option has been specified.
- :KEEP_ATTR - when sharing a workplane, selects whether the attributes of the original workplane
are discarded in the shared workplane (:KEEP_ATTR :OFF), or whether the attributes are preserved
in the shared workplane (:KEEP_ATTR :ON).
- :NEXT - accepts the new workplane and allows you to define
the next workplane to create. Each time :NEXT is invoked, a
workplane is created from the current definition. The definition
is maintained, so additional workplanes can be
created quickly if slight modifications must be made.
Use this action to create one or more workplanes.
The following parameter sequence creates a new copied workplane.
CREATE_WORKPLANE :COPY [specify original] :NAME "wp2" :OWNER "/wps1"
All workplane names must be enclosed by double quotes (" ").
CURRENT_WP terminate action
CREATE_WPSET terminate action
CHANGE_WP_OWNER terminate action
POSITION_WP_SA subaction