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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

LINE terminate action

LINE creates straight lines using different parameters, and relations to existing elements.


    |                                                                      |
    |                     +----------------------<---------------------+   |
    |                     |                                            |   |
    +---(:TWO_POINTS)-->--+----|begin posn|----|end posn|------->------+---+--->
    |                                                                      |
    |                     +----------------------<---------------------+   |
    |                     |                                            |   |
    +---(:HORIZONTAL)-->--+----|begin posn|--+--|end posn|--+----->----+->-+
    |                                        |              |              |
    |                                        +--|length|----+              |
    |                                                                      |
    |                     +----------------------<---------------------+   |
    |                     |                                            |   |
    +---(:VERTICAL)--->---+----|begin posn|--+--|end posn|--+----->----+->-+
    |                                        |              |              |
    |                                        +--|length|----+              |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                 +------<-------------------------+   |
    |                                 |                                |   |
    +---(:ANGLE)---------|begin posn|-+-|angle posn|-+-+-|end posn|----+->-+
    |                                 |              | |               |   |
    |                                 +--|angle|-----+ +-|length|------+   |
    |                                                                      |
    |                       +------------------<-----------------------+   |
    |                       |                                          |   |
    +---(:ANGLE_REFERENCE)--+--|begin posn|-+-|offset angle|-+--+      |   |
    |                                       |                |  |      |   |
    |                                       +------>---------+  v      |   |
    |                                                           |      |   |
    |                     +--|ref2 position|--|ref1 position|---+      ^   |
    |                     |                                            |   |
    |                     +--+--|length|--+----------------------------+->-+
    |                        |            |                                |
    |                        +-|end posn|-+                                |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                                      +
    |                                                                      |
    |                   +------------<------------------------<-------+    |
    |                   |                                             |    |
    |                   |  +-------<------+  +-----------<---------+  |    |
    |                   |  |              |  |                     |  |    |
    |                |                                                     |
    |                v                       +----<-----+                  |
    |                |                       |          |                  |
    |                +--------|element|------+--|side|--+--------->--------+
    |                                                                      |
    |                    +----------------------<----------------------+   |
    |                    |                                             |   |
    +---(:PERPENDICULAR)-+-|element|-+--|end position|------>------+->-+->-+
    |                                |                             |       |
    |                                +--|colinear posn|--|length|--+       |
    |                                                                      |
    |                     +---------------------<----------------------+   |
    |                     |                                            |   |
    +---(:TANGENT)--------+---|element|----|end posn|---------->-------+->-+
    |                                                                      |
    |                     +---------------------<----------------------+   |
    |                     |                                            |   |


The following options are available to create your line.

When to use

Use this action to create a straight line, which must be tangential to the specified elements.


Enter LINE and specify the type of line you want to create, a position, or a line length, as in the following example:

LINE :HORIZONTAL 100,72.4 257,72.4

See also

C_LINE_INF terminate action DELETE_2D terminate action POLYGON terminate action RECTANGLE terminate action
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