Makes an existing profile editable or protects
the profile from changes. By default, newly added profiles
are protected. Before you can add any items or make any
changes to a profile, you need to make the profile editable.
----(SDPCB_EDIT_PROFILE)--(:PROFILE)--|profile name|--+--(:EDIT)-----+--->
| |
- :PROFILE - specifies the name of the profile.
- :EDIT - makes the specified profile editable.
- :PROTECT - changes the profile access permission
to read-only.
SDPCB_ADD_PROFILE terminate action
SDPCB_CHECK_PROFILE terminate action
SDPCB_INQ_PROFILE terminate action
SDPCB_MODIFY_HOLE terminate action (IDF only)
SDPCB_MOVE_PCA_PROF terminate action
SDPCB-TEXT terminate action (IDF only)