AM_DIM_DEC_PLACES modifies the format of existing dimension
values and tolerances.
| |
| |
---->(AM_DIM_DEC_PLACES)---+---(:DIM_LIST)---------------|select dim|-----------------------+------>
| |
| |
| | |
| +----("MAIN_ALL")----+
| | |
| +----("MAIN_NUM")----+
| | |
| +----("MAIN_TOL")----+
| | |
| +----("SEC_ALL")-----+
| | |
| +----("SEC_NUM")-----+
| | |
| +----("SEC_TOL")-----+
| |
| |
| +------------<---------------+ |
| | | |
| | | | |
| | +---("OFF")---+ |
| | | |
| +--(:L_ZERO)---+---("ON")----+ |
| | | | |
| | +---("OFF")---+ |
| | | |
| +--(:R_ZERO)---+---("ON")----+ |
| | | | |
| | +---("OFF")---+ |
| | | |
| +--(:POINT)------------------+ |
| | | |
| +--(:COMMA)------------------+ |
| |
| |
+---(:ADD_PLACES)-------|number >= 0|----------------------------+
| |
+---(:REM_PLACES)-------|number >= 0|----------------------------+
- :DIM_LIST specifies the dimension to modify. This can be
used with the Select tool for multiple selection of dimensions.
- :VALUE_TYPE specifies the values and tolerances to be modified
within the dimension:
- "DIM_ALL" all dimension values and tolerances.
- "MAIN_ALL" the main dimension value and tolerance.
- "MAIN_NUM" the main dimension value only.
- "MAIN_TOL" the main dimension tolerance only.
- "SEC_ALL" the second dimension value and tolerance.
- "SEC_NUM" the second dimension value only.
- "SEC_TOL" the second dimension tolerance only.
- :DEC_PLACES sets an absolute positive number of decimal places
for the selected values. When :DEC_PLACES is switched
on, the following options can also be changed:
- :SIGNED specifies whether or not the positive (+) sign should be included
before positive numbers.
- :L_ZERO specifies whether or not the zero on the left side of the decimal
point should be suppressed.
- :R_ZERO specifies whether or not the decimal zeros at the end of the value
should be suppressed.
- :POINT specifies the decimal punctuation to be a point (toggles with :COMMA).
- :COMMA specifies the decimal punctuation to be a comma (toggles with :POINT).
- :ADD_PLACES adds a given number of decimal places to the current values.
- :REM_PLACES removes a given number of decimal places from the current values.
Use this action to modify the numerical formats of the
values and tolerances of existing dimensioning.