AM_BSPLINE_CON creates a B-spline using a series of control points
guiding the curve.
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---->(AM_BSPLINE_CON)----+----|control pnt|----------+----->
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- :CLOSED closes the B-spline, creating tangency and
curvature continuity at the first control point.
- :OPEN does not close the B-spline.
- :BACK deletes the last control point specified.
- :ORDER affects the control over the ultimate shape of the
B-spline. The default B-spline order
of 4 creates a curvature continuous curve that follows its
control polygon as closely as possible. The order value
can be between 3 and 10; however, a higher order decreases
the performance.
Use this action to create a freeform B-spline curve with
a series of control points which form a guideline for the curve.
No two directly subsequent control points may be coincident.
AM_BSPLINE_INT terminate action