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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_CREATE_REFLINE_IR interrupt action

AM_CREATE_REFLINE_IR is the interrupt action form of the AM_CREATE_REFLINE function. It can be called from the Text menu and the symbol creation menus. The source of a reference line must be owned by a view or a sketch.


                              |                             |        |
                              +------(:NONE_TO_SRC)---------+        |
                              |                             |        |
                              +------(:HORIZ_TO_SRC)--------+        |
                              |                             |        V
                              +------(:VERT_TO_SRC)---------+        |
                              |                             |        |
                              +------(:PERP_TO_SRC)---------+        |
                              |                             |        |
                              +------(:PARAL_TO_SRC)--------+        |
                              |                    |                 |
                              +---(:USER_DEFINED)--+                 |
                              |                                      |
                              +---(:PRE_DEFINED)---+                 |
                                                   |                 |
                                 +-----------------+                 |
                                 |                                   |
                                 +-----(:UPPER_LEFT)--------+---+    |
                                 |                          |   |    |
                                 +-----(:UPPER_MIDDLE)------+   |    |
                                 |                          |   |    |
                                 +-----(:UPPER_RIGHT)-------+   V    V
                                 |                          |   |    |
                                 +-----(:MIDDLE_LEFT)-------+   |    |
                                 |                          |   |    |
                                 +-----(:MIDDLE_MIDDLE)-----+   |    |
                                 |                          |   |    |
                                 +-----(:MIDDLE_RIGHT)------+   |    |
                                 |                          |   |    |
                                 +-----(:LOWER_LEFT)--------+   |    |
                                 |                          |   |    |
                                 +-----(:LOWER_MIDDLE)------+   |    |
                                 |                          |   |    |
                                 +-----(:LOWER_RIGHT)-------+   |    |
                                                                |    |
                          +-------------------<-----------------+    V
                          |                                          |
                            |                                    |   |
                            +-(:ATT_U_OFFSET)--|positive-length|-+   |
                            |                                    |   |
                            +-(:ATT_V_OFFSET)--|positive-length|-+   |
                          |   +---------------<-------------------+
                          |   |                                   |
                              |                                   |  |
                              +----(:HORIZONTAL)----+----|pnt|----+  |
                              |                     |                |
                              +----(:VERTICAL)------+                |
                              |                        |
                              |                        |
                              |                        |


When to use

Use this action to draw a reference line from a text or symbol to a target view or sketch on the drawing. The interrupt action can be called in the Text menu or in a symbol creation menu to create a reference line from the text or symbol just created.

See also

AM_REFL_SETTINGS terminate action, AM_REFL_MODIFY terminate action
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