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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

DOCU_VP terminate action

DOCU_VP alters the display within a viewport.


---->(DOCU_VP)---|viewport_name|---+---(:CENTER_VP)--|center pnt|----------+---->
                                   |                                       |
                                   +---(:WINDOW_VP)--|1st pnt|--|2nd pnt|--+
                                   |                                       |
                                   |                                       |


When to use

Use this action to adjust the display of a viewport's contents. Use :CENTER_VP to recenter the display, :WINDOW_VP to expand a portion of the current viewport to fill the entire viewport, :LAST_VP to display the previous viewport, and :FIT_VP to adjust the viewport's display to contain the drawlist data.

See also

DOCU_VP_REDRAW terminate action
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