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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

AM_CREATE_DIM_RADIUS terminate action

AM_CREATE_DIM_RADIUS creates radial dimensioning.


                             |                                                    |
                             |                                                    |
--->(AM_CREATE_DIM_RADIUS)---+---+---|1st ref pnt|---|2nd ref pnt|---|position|---+---->
                             v   ^
                             |   |
                        |             |
                        |             |
                        |             |
                        |             |
                        |             +-------<------+
                        |                            |
                                          |          |


This command also takes the following general dimensioning options:

{2} "Fix" options
{3} "Fix" Table options
{4} Tolerance options
{5} Tolerance Table options

See Dimensioning Options for logics and descriptions of these options.

When to use

Use this action to dimension a radius of a circle or arc.

See also

Dimensioning Options, AM_CREATE_DIM_DIAMETER terminate action, AM_CREATE_DIM_ARC terminate action
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