AM_SAVE_BUNDLE saves a bundle file (.bdl) containing a OneSpace Designer
model and the current Annotation drawing to disk.
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+---(:PARTASSY)---|select 3D part|-----+
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| +--(:OFF)---+
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- :FNAME specifies the name of the bundle file to save.
- :PARTASSY specifies the part or assembly to include in
the bundle.
- :OVERWRITE-DRAWING specifies whether or not the current
drawing should overwrite the old one in the named bundle.
(This is only valid when the bundle specified by :FNAME
already exists on disk.)
- :OVERWRITE-3D specifies whether or not the specified
3D part or assembly should overwrite the old one in the
named bundle. (This is only valid when the bundle specified
by :FNAME already exists on disk.)
Use this action to save a bundle file of 3D parts and
the current Annotation drawing to disk for later use.
AM_LOAD_BUNDLE terminate action