AM_MOD_SYM_ANGLE modifies the angle of existing symbols, measured from
the positive x-axis to the symbol baseline.
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+---(:GET_ANGLE)---|1st pnt|---|2nd pnt|-----+
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| +--(:ON)---+ |
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- :SEL_LIST specifies the symbol to modify. This can be used with the Select
tool for multiple selection of symbols.
- :ABS_ANGLE specifies the angle at which the symbol is to be drawn, measured from the
positive x-axis to the symbol baseline.
- :GET_ANGLE determines the new symbol angle by defining a line by two points.
The angle of the line above the positive x-axis is used as the symbol angle.
- :TEXT_READABLE, when switched on with :ON, flips symbol text that would
be rotated outside the range of -90° to 90°, so that the text
remains readable.
Use this action to change the angle of existing symbols.