AM_MODIM_TEXT_SIZE changes the sizes of the different
elements of a dimension text.
| |
| |
---->(AM_MODIM_TEXT_SIZE)------+---(:DIM_LIST)----|select dim|------+------>
| |
| | |
| +---(:MAIN_NUM)-------+
| | |
| +---(:MAIN_TOL)-------+
| | |
| +---(:SEC_NUM)--------+
| | |
| +---(:SEC_TOL)--------+
| | |
| +---(:PREFIX)---------+
| | |
| +---(:POSTFIX)--------+
| | |
| +---(:SUBFIX)---------+
| | |
| +---(:SUPERFIX)-------+
| |
| |
| |
- :DIM_LIST specifies the dimension to modify. This can be
used with the Select tool for multiple selection of dimensions.
- :TYPE specifies the elements of the dimension text to be modified:
- :ALL specifies a new absolute size for all elements of the dimension
- :MAIN_NUM specifies a new absolute size for the main dimension value.
The other elements of the dimension text retain their relativity
to the main value size.
- :MAIN_TOL specifies a new size for the tolerance of the main dimension.
- :SEC_NUM specifies a new size for the value of the second dimension.
- :SEC_TOL specifies a new size for the tolerance of the second dimension.
- :PREFIX specifies a new size for the prefix.
- :POSTFIX specifies a new size for the postfix.
- :SUBFIX specifies a new size for the subfix.
- :SUPERFIX specifies a new size for the superfix.
- :SIZE_ABS sets a new absolute size for the selected dimension text.
- :SIZE_REL sets a new size for the selected text relative to the
main dimension text size. :SIZE_REL is not available for :ALL and
:MAIN_NUM as the main dimension value size can only be set
Use this action to change the sizes of the elements
of dimension text, either absolutely or relatively.